Elio Delgado Legón

The Travesty of Cuban Five Trial

In the Cuban Five trial defense attorneys had access to only 20 percent of the case documents, something which seriously hampered their work. In addition, they were constantly denied the possibility of meeting with the detainees in order to adequately prepare their defense.

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As May Day Nears in Cuba

In clear contrast to what took place before 1959 and continues to take place in most capitalist countries, Cuban workers do not raise banners on May Day making their demands, or rally in protest over budget cuts to public health and education. Nor do they demand that jobs be made available to them, so as to lower unemployment rates.

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Violence Against the Peaceful Revolution

I have absolutely no doubts about this. Left-wing policies will prevail and gain more and more ground, until they become invincible. That said, we ought not to deceive ourselves: capitalism and the dominant classes that are inherent to it do not give up easily and resort to violence, destabilizing strategies, coups and even assassinations in order not to lose their privileges.

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Venezuela Has Chosen its Future

As a kid, I would follow the presidential elections and their avalanche of promises. Afterwards, I would notice that absolutely nothing had changed: the elected leaders would forget all they had promised and we, the poor, would see no improvements in our lives.

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Cuba Has No Racial Discrimination

I carefully read some articles in Havana Times that referred to alleged racial discrimination in Cuba, an opinion I disagree with completely. Nor is it true that Cuban society is viewed as a white society. Quite the contrary. Emphasis is always made on our African roots being an important element in the formation of our nation.

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Sports in Cuba: Another Achievement of the Revolution

It’s difficult to summarize in a short review everything that has been done in the country in terms of sports. Nevertheless, the outcomes speak for themselves. From the start of the Olympic Games in 1896 up until 1956, Cuba won only four Olympic gold medals. However in its 54 years of revolution the island won 67 gold medals by 2012.

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Chavez Isn’t Dead

“Death is not true when one’s life work has been carried out well; the cranium of a thinker turns to dust, but their thoughts live forever, bearing the fruit of what that thinker envisioned.” Jose Marti wrote these words on March 5, 1876. Coincidentally, it was also on March 5 — but in 2013 — that Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez ceased to exist physically.

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New Era for Latin America & Caribbean

The 33 nations comprising the CELAC have a common history. They constitute the third largest economy in the world, the third largest producer of electricity and the largest producer of food. Collectively they possess the largest freshwater reserve in the world and have a gross domestic product (GDP) of about seven trillion dollars.

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Trying to Destroy the Cuban Revolution

Here is a small part of the activities and the attempts that have been made in the course of 54 years to destroy the Cuban Revolution. In recent years, attempts have continued to be made to create internal opposition, paid for from the United States, but the Cuban people stand firm in support of their Revolution and will defend it against all those who wish to destroy it from without or within.

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