Luis Miguel del Bahia

Dengue, God and the State

My girlfriend woke up with a fever and a generally bad look. Concerned, we left with her for the doctor’s office, yet what was supposed to be a relief turned into a nightmare.

Not Afraid of Getting into Politics

One of the most important things I learned from living in Europe was not to fear getting into politics. When I was still living in Cuba, opinions were stated behind closed doors, in low voices, and looking to the sides, not wanting to get oneself into problems.

Buying Soda Pop in Cuba

I learned that soda was on sale and went looking for a bottle. As my turn in line was coming up to buy it, I heard a woman in front of me ask for 20 large plastic bottles to be filled.

Outside the Revolution, Nothing

The Cuban state prioritizes the family. No one born in Cuba can be deprived of their nationality. So says the constitution. Nationality implies the right of residence, except in Cuba – so it seems from what happened to a friend of mine.

Columbus and Me

If I, instead of Columbus, had been to first European to step onto Cuban soil, I would have said the same thing: “This is the most beautiful land that human eyes have ever seen.”