Osmel Ramirez Alvarez

How Can You Fight Injustice in Cuba?

A political system which doesn’t have feedback, nor is founded on democratic elections, will never be able to truly fight injustice. If those who rule the country and decide for the rest of us what will happen to the economy and society make a mistake, we have no way of urging them to rectify their wrongs.

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Repression in Cuba Comes in Many Forms

Every Sunday, there is the “Los Chinos” agro-market fair in the city of Holguin in eastern Cuba. Trucks loaded with produce come from all over the country, mainly from its central provinces. So far so good, but then the inspectors and the bureaucracy step in.

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Protests in Cuba, a Growing Reality?

The latest in civil protests in Cuba, at least with impact, has been the “collective private taxi drivers strike”. As usual, the Government isn’t going to the root of the problem and is trying to resolve it with impositions, which far from being the solution, only worsen our adverse reality.

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Not Naive or Blind: Reasons for Change in Cuba

Whether they are Communists like him, Jihadists, supremacists, homophobes or neoliberals, everybody has a right to think how they want to. The problem lies in the sad fact that the government ends up looking for violent means to impose its ideas, because it can’t promote its ideas with the people’s general consensus.

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Trump, the USA and Cuba’s Problems

Cuba is just an island and even though it isn’t at the heart of the US agenda we are a neighboring country which has strategic value in many regards (economic, military and even political). You don’t have to be a chauvinist to accept that, all you need is a little bit of vision, to look back over history and to look at a map.

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What’s Worth Saving from the Cuban Revolution?

There is no doubt that this system really needs to undergo a reforms process. By now, virtually every Cuban has recognized the need for change, even the Cuban Communist Party and its highest leader, Raul Castro. Our differences lie in the kind of change each political bent wants.

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