EC Commissioner Arrives in Cuba

EC Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner
EC Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner - Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

HAVANA TIMES, July 23 – European Commissioner for External Relations and the European Neighborhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, is in Cuba on Thursday on a working visit, reported the local press.

The commissioner will meet with local authorities to review the state of bilateral relations between Cuba and the European Commission as well as discuss topics on the bilateral agenda.

Speaking from Mexico before traveling to Cuba, Ferrero commented on the situation of the stalled talks over the Honduras crisis.   She noted that the European Union stepped up pressure on the coup leaders earlier this week by suspending US $93 million in aid to Honduran institutions.

The European Union resumed diplomatic ties with Cuba last fall after they were suspended in 2003 following a series of arrests of  “dissidents”, accused of being on the payroll of right-wing Miami based terrorist organizations with assistance from the US Interests Section in Havana.

One thought on “EC Commissioner Arrives in Cuba

  • The european bourgeoisie are no friends of Cuba — or anything socialist, or of independent people anywhere. This neoliberal woman also has a ‘history’. Beware the eurocrats.

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