Author: Elio Delgado Legon

Ana Belen Montes’ Harsh Prison Conditions

Some weeks ago, I wrote and Havana Times published an article titled Ana Belen Montes: A Case of Conscience. In one of the paragraphs dealing with this heroic woman, who has been imprisoned under the most trying conditions one can imagine, I promised to broaden on the subject in a future post.

Cuba is Still a Beacon for the Progressive World

I often come across certain Internet sites that publish articles written by detractors of the Cuban revolution. I say “detractors” to avoid calling them something else, as these characters are constantly playing into the enemy’s hands by making statements about our political and economic system.

Unity and Understanding Will Prevail

The 2-hour gathering between Pope Francis and Kirill, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, held in Havana on February 12 has put an end to nearly a millennium of misunderstanding and hostility between two Christian churches…

Ana Belen Montes: A Case of Conscience

Throughout history, there have been many cases of people who have taken a correct moral and ethical stance, opposing the immorality and ethically reprehensible actions of certain governments, and have been considered traitors or accused of being spies or unpatriotic persons.

A Journey to My Roots

Recently, I paid a three-day visit to my hometown, Santo Domingo, in the province of Villa Clara, to see relatives and old friends. The trip also made me remember incidents and situations that would begin to mark me since I was small.

Looking Back on the Year in Cuba

When New Year’s comes along, most human beings think back and draw a balance about their experiences and future plans. The young make long term plans, while those who are no longer so young, like myself, can only make plans for the shorter term.