Author: Elio Delgado Legon

A Man of Honor

After the triumph of the revolution, rebel officials and combatants were assigned to different posts according to rank, under the same structures that had characterized the rural and other police units of previous governments.

Too Late

My friend Javier did not have a happy life. I know this because of the story he told me minutes before he died. Even though he was my best friend – almost the brother I never had – I never realized his life was missing that crucial element that love is.

Washington’s Many Policy Failures

When, on December 17, 2014, President Barack Obama announced the reestablishment of diplomatic relations with Cuba and acknowledged that the embargo (or blockade) policy applied on Cuba for more than 50 years was a failed strategy that had to be changed.

The Case of Trump and Sanders

Over the past few years, certain developments in the United States reveal that the country’s electorate is disillusioned with traditional politicians, be these Republican or Democrat, and that support for candidates who offer true change is growing.

Europe’s Migratory Crisis

Before the so-called “war on terrorism” was undertaken by a coalition led by the United States, countries in North Africa and the Middle East had an acceptable degree of political and economic stability and migration patterns were normal.

Pope Francis in Cuba

Today, Jesus would condemn capitalism for its exploitation of workers, for the damage it causes the environment, for the sole purpose of selfishly accumulating riches with no regard for anything else.

My Unplanned Return to San Blas

Feeling the pain of seeing my comrades head off to combat without me and the one caused by my left forearm and wrist (which grew with every step of the horse), I returned to San Blas in the hope the doctor would be able to fix my arm.

The Trip to Che Guevara’s Campsite

One day after captain Chaviano returned from Che Guevara’s campsite, that is to say, on Friday, December 13, 1958, we all went down the hill known as El Piquito, towards the town of San Blas, to depart for El Pedrero. There, we would place ourselves under the command of Che Guevara…