Author: Elio Delgado Legon

Another Effort to Free the Cuban Five

The International Investigative Commission on the Case of the Cuban Five, which convened in London on March 7 and 8th, relying on the participating of prestigious jurists and personalities from around the world and arriving at important conclusions, constitutes an important part of efforts aimed at securing the release of the Cuban anti-terrorist activists who continue to serve prison sentences in the United States.

Survivors Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki

I recently had access to horrifying testimonies about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki offered by a group hibakushas (“survivors”). Though I had read dozens of articles and news pieces on these incidents, I had never come across such harrowing accounts.

Cuba Is on the Road to Development

Despite the obstacles they have tried to place in our way and the prevailing economic situation around the world (which directly affects us) we can confidently say, without fear of contradiction, that Cuba is making sure and steady progress towards its fundamental objective: development.

Cuba’s Role in Latin American Integration

All of the leaders who spoke at the Summit of Latin American and Caribbean States underscored Cuba’s efficiency as chair of the organization in the course of 2013 and congratulated the Cuban government for the extraordinary organization that characterized the summit’s activities.

What Future Awaits the World?

Just when we thought the Cold War was over and the world would start moving towards global denuclearization, along comes this bit of news to give us yet another cause for concern, feeding our worries about the United States’ already dangerous practice of trying to impose like-minded and submissive governments around the globe through the use of force.

Women in Cuba Defending Conquests

For some months now, Cuban women have been enthusiastically organizing the ninth congress of the Cuban Women’s Federation (FMC), scheduled to take place in March. One of the characteristics of this process that caught my attention is the participation of young women, willing to take on new responsibilities within the FMC and to defend the achievements of the revolution.

Cuba is Not an Enemy of the USA

To claim that Cuba is an enemy of the United States would be humorous if the statement didn’t have such tragic and shameful consequences. How could a small country, without offensive weapons of any kind represent a threat to the most powerful empire on the face of the earth today?

Cuba Is One of the Safest Countries

Though some refuse to acknowledge it, the positive results of the social transformations undertaken in Cuba following the triumph of the revolution in 1959 are plain to see and within everyone’s reach. Many aren’t aware of these changes because they take them for granted – over 70 percent of Cuba’s current population was born after the revolution and did not experience what came before.