Author: Erasmo Calzadilla

The New Era Gives Birth…to God Knows What

I was nearly done with a dramatic post in which I tore my hair deploring the newest disasters that had befallen Alamar, the decaying neighborhood where I live. You would have loved the piece: I know that many of you adore hearing the latest “hot” news from Cuba. (7 photos)

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The Next Victim

Every time I publish a post dealing with the energy crisis, I am showered with insults. I have been called delirious, an alarmist, a Nostradamus wannabe, a chronic pessimist, a sensationalist, a Caribbean version of Pol Pot, a poor devil brainwashed by Fidel Castro, a follower of Diogenes the Cynic, Andreas Lubitz wannabe and other flattering things of this nature.

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Turning 40 in Cuba

I’ve been writing the story of my life for 40 years now, ironing out the unappealing creases and subtly emphasizing the episodes that speak highly of me. Below are a some bits and pieces.

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The Painful Shedding of Colonial Modernity

From the struggles for independence to the present day, the political debate in Cuba has revolved around one question: what path should we follow to put colonialism behind us and insert ourselves satisfactorily into the modern world?

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Cuba: Till the Shit Do Us Part

Garbage collection efforts have entered a higher phase of decline in the Cuban capital. I want to address the issue once again to show how the situation has worsened over the past few months and to propose a solution to the problem. (13 photos)

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