Author: Erasmo Calzadilla

Cuba’s Juan Triana: Economist or State Official?

Cuban economist and government official Juan Triana has become highly popular among our country’s leadership by peddling a rather exciting idea: the world economy is sailing before the wind and Cuba ought to stick a rocket up its ass if it wishes to catch up and not be left out of the party (my phrasing).

A Havana Squabble over Tradition and Modernity

On the night of Friday, October 17 this year, several city buses parked at a terminal located in El Calvario, a neighborhood in the outskirts of Havana, were intentionally damaged. After several decades of hibernation, the word “sabotage” is again being pronounced by people.

Cuba as the End Times Approach

In my previous post, I mentioned in passing that this and all other countries would face a devastating crisis of civilization sooner rather than later. In view of the pronounced interest the issue seems to have among Havana Times’ commentators, I have decided to return to it in this post.

On Cuba’s Right-Wing Opposition

Some days ago, I watched a video showing an anti-government protest (and the subsequent public reprisal) staged by the Union Patriotica de Cuba (Cuban Patriotic Union, or UNPACU). I was positively impressed by the civility, intelligence and courage shown by the members of this organization.

Cuba’s Sacrilegious Opposition

Cubans without access to the Internet traffic information on USB flash drives. A video showing a protest staged by the Union Patriotica de Cuba (Cuban Patriotic Union, or UNPACU) – an organization of the opposition that is strong in the country’s east – reached me through one of these.

From My Balcony in Alamar, Cuba

Now that I am devoid of an Internet connection, I take advantage of my free time to survey the neighborhood from my balcony. The most interesting elements in sight are afforded us by nature: the changing tonalities of the sea, the always-green tree canopies and the daily traffic of people.

Living One’s Time in Today’s Cuba

History is one of the things I’m passionate about lately. I don’t mean the historical, historiographical or philosophical analysis of facts. I mean a rather odd obsession with jotting down dates in a kind of diary / chronology I’ve been keeping.