Author: Nonardo Perea

Something that Obama Left Us

I find it very curious that President Obama’s address to the people of Cuba on March 22nd hasn’t been re-aired. I say I find this “curious” because these events tend to be covered extensively in Cuba, where they normally repeat things ad nauseum…but this wasn’t this case this time.

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Debating Internet in Cuba Ad Nauseum

Every time my friends meet up at my place, we end up talking about the issue on everyone’s lips these days: Internet in Cuba, specifically the Wi-Fi hot zones that can be accessed through pre-paid cards, the easiest means we have to connect to the web.

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The Ordeal of Creative Work in Cuba (Video)

There’s nothing in life I fear more than being unable to carry out my plans. I’m the type of person who’s always looking for new things to do. I write short stories, I make and act in my own films, I dream up the occasional film script and a million other things.

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You Are Poor, and We Will Treat You as Such

In Cuba, your pockets may be full of all kinds of bills and you can still run into all manner of obstacles and mistreatment at stores while trying to make a simple purchase. The lesson of the story is that, on the island, money doesn’t change things.

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Cuba’s New Power Cuts

The government’s methods change over time. In the 90s, during the Special Period, power cuts were scheduled and people were informed of them in advance through different media. For several months now, they have been unannounced.

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What Wi-Fi Brings Along With It (Part II)

It was just a matter of time. A few days ago, at the Wi-Fi hot spot in Mariano, they killed a young man to take his laptop. As a result of this tragedy, they removed the power outlets neighbors had installed there so that users could connect their devices.

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Cuba: Remembering the Past

It’s incredible how many Cubans are unable to forget the 80s, when there was no shortage of food on the island. This is something I noticed during several visits to the hospital where my leg burn was being treated.

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