Author: Nonardo Perea

Cuba’s Medical Referral Slips

I had an accident a few days ago: I spilt a pot full of boiling bean stew over my left leg. I immediately headed over to the nearest hospital, the military clinic. I walked several kilometers in pain and, when I arrived at the emergency ward, an elderly nurse immediately and attentively treated me.

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Working with Madonna

I’ve followed her since I was fifteen (I am now 42). Without knowing it, she has been present in my work, be it photographic, literary or film-related. Whenever I have an idea, she is somehow present in it… (9 photos)

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I Don’t Want to Grow Old

As we all know, many people today do anything to retain a youthful look. I don’t know why, as the marks of aging are nothing other than a reminder one has had a long existence. People who do not age, it is reasonable to conclude, die young.

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Waiting Desperately in Cuba

Many are the questions being asked by people with whom I’ve had the opportunity to converse about the issue of telecommunications in Cuba. They are wondering about the possiblity of getting a land line telephone and Internet access.

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Cuba: Where’s Fidel?

Some say (somewhat tongue-in-cheek) that what happened on December 17, when the world was informed Cuba and the United States would normalize diplomatic relations after more than 50 years of conflict, blew his mind.

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Saying Farewell to 2014 in Cuba

On December 28, 29 and 30, Cuban television announced that markets would be set up in all of Havana’s municipalities to sell food products (pork, beans and root and green vegetables) at affordable prices. The news was well received by low-income people…

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Cuba: Videos that Reach Us

This post will focus on how misinformed we Cubans are, and on how little our journalists do, as evidenced by the fact no one knew about this horrible incident that took place recently, apparently, on Galiano Street in Centro Habana.

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To Begin Again

When I wrote the post: “Having a little more in Cuba and abroad” a few weeks ago, I did so with the idea of pointing out to some people that what moves the present world is consumerism and the accumulation of products that are probably unnecessary in the life of any human being.

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