Author: Yenisel Rodriguez

Replacing Dissatisfaction or Buying at Sedano’s

Many Cubans who immigrate to Miami are seeking to improve their standard of living. There, within easy arm’s reach, lies everything needed for the family shopping basket, which seen from the island appears more like a divine satchel of riches (except for health care, of course).

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Every Culture Has Dignity

There are no canons that permit the prioritization of different cultures in our global society. Each culture has its particular history. Today we should only base ourselves on the respect for differences, the respect for others.

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What’s Above Political Power

It’s now a proven fact that all power has the property of growing like a snowball. But for a long time there have also existed ways to restrict this. Through the liberal approach, the solution lies in the separation of powers into the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

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The Virgen Comes to My Havana Neighborhood

The pilgrimage of the “Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre,” a religious figurine discovered 400 years ago and known as the patroness of Cuba, came to my Havana’s Santos Suarez neighborhood. Not since the capital city’s baseball team won the championship have so many people turned out to celebrate such a popular event of national significance.

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Jorge’s Home Building Blues

What Jorge doesn’t understand is why he was prevented from putting up a tent in the yard of the farmhouse where he lives. He stays there with the homeowners, who “adopted” him some time ago.

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The Odyssey of Medical Diagnosis

I prepared myself psychologically to deal with the paradoxes of Western medicine. I reviewed and considered all the potential complications that would be implied by me introducing myself into the dynamics of the Cuban public health care system.

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The Culture of the Poor Isn’t Their Poverty

In his films, Charles Chaplin offered a look at the daily lives of the poor, but not merely to discover their material restrictions. In his work, poverty is a constructive force of dissimilar circumstances where the poor express a rich cultural world. “That’s poverty!”

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Looking Back

In my first-grade reading book were stories in which Cuban children lived in harmony with their families, where politics was the voice of the people and those in power practiced the gospel of providing service to the citizenry.

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