Business & Economy

New York Students in Havana, Cuba

Like many universities in the United States, Sarah Lawrence allows students to spend a semester studying abroad, but it’s one of the few that sends a new group to Cuba every year. We spoke with Maya Anderson the alternate director of the college’s academic program with the University of Havana.

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Cuban-Manufactured Freighter Reaches Venezuelan Port

A multipurpose cargo ship (the second of its type built in Cuba) arrived at the Venezuelan port of La Guaira on Tuesday. Based on agreements between the two countries, this is the second Cuban-built Damen Stan Lander 5612 ship delivered to Venezuela since this past March, while two more are expected to be constructed next year.

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Cuba Not to Fully Apply New Tax Law

In accordance with the decision of the Cuban legislature in its recently held last session, not all taxes included in the new tax law will be applied when that legislation comes into effect on January 1, 2013, reported the official Cubadebate website.

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New Oil Platform Reaches Cuban Waters

The newly arriving oil rig, “Songa Mercur,” is now situated in an area to the north of the island and will start up drilling operations “in the next few days” for the Russian energy firm Zarubezhneft, according to reports from the state-owned Cubapetroleo agency.

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