Daisy Valera’s Diary

On Skates and Skateboards

I remember when I was about six I used to get all excited when my parents would take me roller skating on the weekend. We’d go to a rink a few blocks from our house where it cost only a peso to rent a pair of skates. They were metal but had four pretty yellow or orange wheels.

Condoms for Men Who Have Sex with Men

The conversation I had the other day with three friends came out of the almost naked phallus of that actor who played a bull in the play “Fiesta Brava,” which was dedicated to an analysis of the brutality of bullfighting.

Cuban Youth Flirting with Religion

In recent times, groups like these have proliferated in Cuba. It’s increasingly frequent for them to swoop down on you in street with divinatory phrases like “Christ will save you,” or for you to run into groups of teenagers and youth singing praise to the Lord.

Selling Us Their Capitalism

For many years Cuba was tied culturally with Russia. A number of generations of Cubans did their university and other types of studies in several of the republics that made up the USSR.

Students and Work

Many youth will be motivated to join the workforce due to the critical economic situation of their families, though they haven’t thoroughly considered the fact that concurrent studying and working can negatively impact on their academic performance.

Battle at the Art Institute

A video recently fell into my hands on the events that occurred about three months ago at ISA (the Superior Institute of Art). This came to me through means more efficient than Cuban television, which instead of being a medium of enlightenment can wind up being a medium of disinformation.

Renovated Store, New Products

A strange new outlet has appeared on the corner of 23rd and 12th streets, in the Havana district of Vedado. I went up to the window and could witness that in this store they were selling —incredibly enough— products that we Cubans had only seen in “dollar stores” selling in CUCs.

Night of the Torches

Many choose this night to meet up with friends, to have a good time and to sing. Others give it more historical meaning and feel moved, because they come to this event as examples of the unity and strength of FEU (the Federation of University Students).