Elio Delgado-Legon’s Diary

Back to the Cold War

The US president gave a speech in Miami on Friday June 16, in which he spoke about Cuba, without knowing Cuba, just to please this select audience and to get votes in Congress from the reactionary congressmen with Cuban roots, who don’t know Cuba either.

Where is Our World Headed?

For several decades now, scientists and other clear headed people have been warning about the consequences of climate change which is upon us, and the need to take measures to prevent global warming…

Mainstream Media Silence about Cuba

The so-called Great Western Press, that is to say, the most influential in the United States and in other developed and not so developed capitalist countries, regularly echo news and articles that offer an absolutely distorted and lying image of Cuban reality.

In Cuba, This Was a Different May 1st

In Cuba, the week before International Workers’ Day, events and marches were held in every Cuban municipality, where you could clearly see the people’s support for their Revolution and their rejection of the genocidal blockade of the United States…

The OAS Does it Again…

Luis Almagro’s obsession against the government of Venezuela has revealed itself during the last few months and shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. His meddling statements are nothing new in the history of the OAS.

Who Does Cuba Have to Make Concessions to?

I have just read a news item which has left me flabbergasted: US President Donald Trump believes that Cuba, “with everything we have given it”, has not made any “concessions” within the normalization of bilateral relations process…

More Memories of Santa Clara

A few days ago, I was in Santa Clara again and I wanted to visit these two places, where I hadn’t returned after all those hard student-worker years when I couldn’t go to class more than a couple of times a week, because I didn’t earn enough to pay for the bus fare five times a week.