Back to the Cold War
By Elio Delgado Legon

HAVANA TIMES — He was surrounded by the most reactionary and backward of the Right, the so-called Cuban-Americans, by murderers and terrorists who are responsible for thousands of deaths and maimed people in Cuba and the children of torturers from the Batista dictatorship, by such sad memories for the Cuban people.
The US president gave a speech in Miami on Friday June 16th, in which he spoke about Cuba, without knowing Cuba, just to please this select audience and, analysts say, with a well-defined objective in mind: to get votes in Congress from the reactionary congressmen with Cuban roots, who don’t know Cuba either.
Reversing history’s wheel, taking up a policy again, which former president Barack Obama labeled a failure and a holdover of the Cold War, is not a smart thing to do, by any means. But, we can’t expect less from somebody who is set on leading a nuclear power as if it were a real estate company.
Donald Trump wants to revoke some of the measures the previous US government adopted and has promised to apply the laws of the blockade to their fullest extent. Why? According to him, it’s so that human rights are respected in Cuba and so that the current political system is changed for another which resembles and is more similar to that of the United States.
With regard to the first point, the Cuban government has already repeated its willingness to enter a dialogue, as equals, about the respect for human rights in both countries, because the greatest violation of the Cuban people’s human rights is the trade, economic and financial embargo which the US government has imposed on Cuba. Furthermore, the place in Cuba where human rights aren’t respected is precisely the area which is illegally occupied by them at the naval base in Guantanamo, where prisoners are tortured and are held captive without trial, indefinitely, which is completely illegal and inhumane.
Plus, if we are going to argue about human rights, we can remind them of the racial discrimination US citizens suffer and the murders of black citizens by white policemen, the millions of people who don’t have access to healthcare, the exploitation immigrants are subjected to, making them work never-ending days for poor salaries; job discrimination for women, who earn less than men even though they do the same jobs, child labor exploitation and the gun violence which leaves thousands of innocent people dead every year.
We could also reproach them for their government’s abuse of taxpayers’ money which is spent freely to attack and intervene in other countries, where millions of innocent people die and also a lot of young US soldiers who don’t know why they go to these wars. Those who don’t die, return traumatized for the rest of their lives and are abandoned too, because the State doesn’t give them the medical attention they need, which leads many of them to commit suicide. A country with all of these weaknesses can’t be the judge of human rights in any other country.
With regard to our own political system, we have one the people chose when the 1976 Constitution was approved by referendum, because it’s the most democratic system that exists, without fraud, without unnecessary spending on campaign propaganda, without demagogy, without political parties or politicians like those we had in the past and who nobody wants to remember, or only remember so we never have them again.
Our political system being better than the one in the United States, proven by the fact that today’s president Donald Trump didn’t receive the majority of the US people’s vote, as he had nearly three million votes less than his opponent.
If Donald Trump wants to talk with Cuba about getting a better agreement, like he said, he will have to hear all of the truth, about our country and about his own too. We will see who is right and whether it’s a smart move on his part to go back to the Cold War.
“expressing balanced and objective viewpoints” Nick’s opinion of his contributions! Hands up those who agree.
Thankfully I’m not the only contributor here who challenges your views.
‘excessive interest in oneself’ ???
Somewhat strange coming from someone so fond of quoting their own book.
But I don’t wish to follow in stooping to the type of low level personal insult that you resort to when you’re called out or when your ‘facts’ are challenged.
What is perhaps more telling is your failure to address the issues or to adequately respond to the rational points of others with anything other than simply resorting to some Star Wars style battle of good against evil.
If only the various troubles of the world (including those of Cuba) were as simple as the kids adventure book narrative that you still seem to be stuck on.
I think/know that the venom spewed at Carlyle and Moses is driven by hatred of the USA and its system, but this is about Cuba’s system. Yeah it was crap under Batista, but it is still crap under the Castros. One dictator for another. Wouldn’t it be nice if Cubans could make up their own minds, for themselves, what kind of country they would like. An election in Cuba would go a long way to resolving all this. It is like reading about religion, all I read when I read the comments about USA versus Cuba is “my God is better than your God.” Pro Cuban government advocates go on and on about free health/education (it really isn’t free by the way) but a lot of countries have that. If the pro Cuban government side really believe that they are on the “right side of history,” and that the population they are suppose to serve agrees then why not have an election (one with more that one party running). It will be interesting to see who would win.
Thankfully I am not alone on this comments page when it comes to expressing balanced and objective viewpoints.
There are others who quite reasonably challenge your remarks.
“balanced and objective viewpoints”
Self analysis by Nick of Nick!
“excessive interest in oneself”
My interests remain the people of Cuba and the wish to see them at liberty and free.
So you’re at it again:
‘Wallowing in your narcissistic puddle’
‘Cheap sneering’
You don’t like being called out.
You don’t like it when you’re presented with valid questions; when presented with the facts; when you’re presented with balanced and objective viewpoints; when your one-sided comments are challenged.
It seems that all you can respond with is bitterness and spite.
I have written many times about my deep admiration for the people of Cuba and my love of Cuba itself. That continues!
Your cheap sneering Nick does not fortunately affect that.
It was gratitude to the people of Cuba that caused me to take up my pen and to write of their plight for they have no means of doing so if it involves criticism of the communist state. I have repeatedly written here of my concerns and hopes for my six year old Cuban God-daughter. Hope that she may in her lifetime enjoy freedom of thought and expression, freedom of political choice, freedom to in due course, to bring up hopefully her own children without the imposed supervision of the State. I merely support liberty.
Yes, despite democracy and capitalism having their weaknesses, they are far preferable to living a life under communist dictatorship. Nobody in his right mind could consider that I particularly admire the USA.
My contributions to these pages demonstrate that. What I do admire and would like the people of Cuba to enjoy, is liberty and freedom. Currently they are subjected to the power and control of the Castro communist regime denying them even freedom of speech. I can understand that you Kennedy Earle Clarke, sitting in your island retreat, do not comprehend love, for you are far too enamoured of Marx and Lenin to understand the best of human emotions!
I love Cuba, I love the people of Cuba and I detest dictatorship.
Batista/191-0 United Nations/ Batista/191-0 United Nations/ Batista/191-0 United Nations/Batista/ ad infinitum!
You have no idea what I dream about. Stick to the thread.
Anti-CASTRO but pro-CUBAN soy yo. There’s a difference.
Reading comprehension skills ALERT!!! Reread my comment.
I am very pleased for you and your love and your good fortune.
But I am afraid that all who read your comments must surely see that your story regarding the horrors of life in Cuba simply doesn’t add up.
You seek to dominate this comments platform with endless ideologically driven diatribes. Then you proceed to dish out abusive remarks toward those who don’t buy into your narrow and obtuse ideas.
However, all the while your choice regarding where to live entirely defeats your own propaganda.
If your Missus was from North Korea, would you live there?
Saudi Arabia?
If your Lucky Lady was from some of the more violent and crime ridden parts of the Caribbean/Latin America, would you live there?
Perhaps in some safe cordoned-off enclave??
Cuba obviously provides you with a nice, relaxed, sunny and safe place to enjoy your retirement. A nice relaxed place where you can walk down the street and people say hi and you don’t have to worry about anything.
And in you return, it would seem you have a total and shuddering lack of even the slightest semblance of gratitude.
I’m afraid this all comes across as rather bitter and unedifying.
I sincerely hope that you are more grateful for the love in your life.
Rich Haney why it was that prior to the revolution, Cuba had a total of only 6(six) jails.
By 1964 there were 57(fifty seven) jails and 18(eighteen) concentration camps.
Please explain that bit of history?
So, Moses, you are telling us that from 1898, after the Spanish-American War, till 1952 that Cuba actually had GREAT DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENTS? Hogwash. The only sovereignty Cuba has ever had — because of pre-Revolutionary imperial powers Spain and the U. S. — came on January 1, 1959. And that’s not being anti-U. S. or anti-Spain. It’s being pro-history.
The needle is stuck in the groove of your recorded views. Batista/191-0 United Nations vote/Batista/191-0 United Nations vote/Batista/191-0 United Nations vote/Batista/191-0 United Nations vote/ Batista/191-0 United Nations vote/Batista……….ad infinitum!
Gets a touch boring Rich Haney – don’t you think? Perhaps the needle is stuck in a mental groove!
I just happen to love my wife Nick!
I guess that you would not understand that wallowing in your narcisstic puddle. Maybe one day you will be as fortunate as I am!
What a ripe imagination you have Rich Haney. “the Batistiano-directed U.S. Cuban policy” That’s laughable! I have news for you Rich, Batista is dead! Let us hope that he is sharing his hot-spot in hell with all other dictators.
But it is also laughable for you to imagine that the current U.S. Administration would allow themselves to be directed by a man who had a half black mother and a Cuban Indian father. Fidel Castro being the overt racist bigot that he was, used to refer to Batista as that: “negro de mierda” – shitty negro.
But as a supposed Republican Rich, you ought to be delighted with the current position of your Party in the US.
I can well believe that you are included in the rag-bag that voted in Donald J. Trump(f).
Your focus on the Cuban dictatorship that preceded the current one is a little creepy. I have NEVER met a single supporter of that cruel and corrupt regime. Have you?
Mr MacD and Mr P can only be taken with ‘a pinch of salt’.
Mr MacD remarks are entirely self defeating.
He states in his jumbled up comments that he hates dictators, hates communism, hates the Cuban Government etc……
But then next thing you know he’s telling us all that he lives there out of personal choice thus proving false his own statements.
Anyone who knows Cuba will know that the whole repertoire of MacD comments are ideologically driven, narrow, misrepresentations. And he’s the living proof.
If Cuba was anyway near as bad as he makes it out to be, he wouldn’t live there would he?
And as for Mr P and his dreams of empire and imperial leadership……..
I have had the good fortune to have travelled widely in my time and have met some wonderful people from the USA who would laugh heartily at Mr P’s remarks.
As I do myself.
I believe fervently and passionately in democracy and, Carlyle, I also believe that is precisely why you so vehemently dislike my posture regarding the Batistiano-directed U. S. Cuban policy that, I believe, shames both America and democracy. AND BY THE WAY, all of America’s best democracy-loving friends around the world also agree with me on that, according to the 191-to-0 vote in the UN. Also, according to every poll, the majority of Cuban-Americans IN MIAMI agree with me on that. I’m also a bit ashamed that no one from that Cuban-American majority in Miami can get elected to the U. S. Congress from Miami. If that should change, I’ll tip my democracy-loving hat to Miami.
“US-Haters” mortally love the Batistiano-dictation of America’s Cuban policy and that is why all those “US-Haters” voted the way they did in the UN. Of course, ALL OF THE US-LOVERS around the world — every single U.S-friendly nation — also voted AGAINST America’s Batistiano-directed Cuban policy. And only counter-revolutionaries dismiss that unanimity…because they can’t deny the “191 to 0” that flashed up on the UN board.
You write “Cuba is a small island nation while the U. S. is the world’s big superpower”. My point exactly.
What some US-HATERS call “imperialistic arrogance” is simply US leadership. I do not accept your comment however, even though it led to a commendation.
Well, we have people on both sides of the ocean whom are quick to criticize the other side. No doubt, there are societal problems/issues on both sides and there will always be naysayers to any substantial progress. President Trump made a big speech in Florida, but in essence changed very little. I couldn’t comprehend all the attendees applauding him, as other than insulting the Cuban government, he didn’t really announce any major changes.
He was being a true politician(which is unlike Trump), promising drastic changes, but in substance, not really delivering anything.
So the U.S./Cuba saga continues, and as per usual, the common people will be the ONLY ones suffering.
WOW!! “more than a hint.” So, Moses, you relish your status as a propaganda-incensed bully. At least your admission to Nick is commendable.
As a Big Bully, Moses, your constant reminder that the “United States and Cuba are not equals” is both cowardly and stupid. Cuba is a small island nation while the U. S. is the world’s big superpower, and also since 1959 a sanctuary for Cuban-exile bullies AND WORSE as Elio so clearly mentioned. EVERYONE knows Cuba and the the U. S. are not “equals” so your repetitious reminders are merely a reflection of your anti-American bullying. But does it justify SUCH THINGS as.protecting AND PARDONING {the Bush dynasty presidential pardon} the terrorist bombers of atrocious acts such as the downing of a child-laden civilian airplane? You say, “The U. S. does not need Cuba” and that too is a bully-comment. As a democracy-loving American, I BELIEVE AMERICA DOES NEED CUBA. It needs AMERICA’S BATISTIANO-DIRECTED CUBAN POLICY NOT TO DEMEAN BOTH THE U. S. AND DEMOCRACY IN THE EYES OF THE ENTIRE WORLD, as evidenced by the current 191-to-0 condemnation of that policy in the United Nations, a vote ONLY BULLIES dismiss.
In your enthusiasm to abuse others Rich Haney you studiously avoid recalling that which you already know. Your fixation upon the past comes through loud and clear – all the usual stuff dragging in the long deceased Batista – whom I have described in these pages as “evil” along with all other dictators – past and present.
As a very short term visitor to Cuba – was it once or twice for a couple of weeks as a tourist? – you imagine that you are able to contradict and deny reality.
So Rich Haney, I challenge you! Do you believe that dictatorship is an evil form of government? Do you approve of the Villa Mariska and MININT activities within it?
Since 1976 when Emilio Milian was car-bombed in Miami for using his status as a top Cuban-American newsman in the USA to criticize vile terrorist acts against innocent Cubans on the island, the mainstream USA media has been too afraid to report the truth regarding Cuban issues. Therefore, when a 79-year-old Cuban like Elio. who knows both Batista’s Cuba and Revolutionary Cuba, uses unafraid forums such as HT to express his pro-Revolution views, it is refreshing. At the same time, the vast and lucrative and revengeful CASTRO COTTAGE INDUSTRY that has thrived in the U. S. since January of 1959 will, of course, IMMEDIATELY DENOUNCE ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING a Cuban like Elio says or writes. And so, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, be prepared for Moses, Carlyle, etc., to treat Elio like a pariah. At the same time, please remember that Elio, like the ill-fated Emilio, believes that the terrorist bombing of the child-laden civilian Cubana Flight 455 airliner on Oct. 6-1976 was “a big blow against the U. S. democracy.” The USA counter-revolutionaries agree with the mantra in the Miami media that heralded the bombing of Flight 455 as “THE BIGGEST BLOW YET AGAINST CASTRO.” In other words, there are two-sides to the Cuban-U.S. conundrum — one espoused by Elio and Emilio while the other is espoused by Moses, Carlyle, etc., and Miami contributions to the U. S. Congress such as Mario Diaz-Balart, the son of a key Batista Minister who later was the richest and most visceral counter-revolutionary in Miami. IF IT TAKES A MODICUM OF COURAGE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN THOSE TWO IDIOMS (Elio’s and Mario’s), THEN I BELIEVE THAT DEMOCRACY-LOVING AMERICANS SHOULD RISK FREELY EXPRESSING THEIR VIEWS on a U. S. Cuban policy that CURRENTLY HAS A 191-TO-0 CONDEMNATION IN THE UNITED NATIONS.
Never miss a writing by Elio Delgado-Legon. Cuba, continues to have a long journey ahead!
More than a hint…..
Mr P, do I detect a hint of imperialistic arrogance in your comment?
Indeed, I think I do.
Thankfully not all people from your wonderful, rich and varied country share your views.
Elio is likely correct that Trump, personally, has no knowledge of Cuba. However, it is fair to assume that he has excellent sources to advise him. Whether he takes the advice is unknown. But Elio freely opines on the US and has even less direct information about the US. He also parrots the time-worn propaganda about the Cuban people’s support for the 1976 Constitution. Finally, Elio is out of line to call Cubans who disagree with him “so-called” Cuban Americans.
For all of Elio’s bluster, he fails to understand one major point: the United States and Cuba are not equals. To demand negotiations based on the false premise that both countries are in an equal win/lose position is ridiculous. The US does not need Cuba. However, Cuba does need US tourists, capital investment, etc. He correctly identifies many of the US failings. But so what? Cuba is in no position to dictate terms of any kind.