Isbel Diaz

My Experiences in Beautiful Brazil

By a strange twist of fate I am unaware of, my first trip abroad took me to the place I had wished to visit the most. This trip served to confirm something I already suspected: what I like most about Brazil is its sensual language and its boundless music. (26 photos)

The Dying Throes of Havanas Carnival

Havana’s official weekly newspaper Tribuna is announcing that “the Havana carnaval is on” with photos of picturesque masquerades. The contrast with one’s actual experience any given night at the ocean drive is significant. The two realities are completely divorced from one another.

Cuban LGBTI take their demands to the Attorney General

In the name of the Rainbow Project (Proyecto Arcoíris), I delivered a letter last Thursday to the Cuban Attorney General’s Office. The letter is a denunciation of violations committed by the “Style and Contents Commission” of the National People’s Power Assembly who were responsible for the final draft of the Labor Code.

Gay and Anti-Capitalist?

That a person or group should defend gay rights and also assume an anti-capitalist posture is something that makes many commentators at digital fora, journalists, some sociologists and even LGBTI activists uncomfortable.