Haroldo Dilla

Cuban Immigration Reform & Brain Drain

I believe that Cuba, like any other country in the world, has the right and is obliged to defend its human resources and the investments it has been made in them. But it cannot do this in just any manner…

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Cuba Has an ‘Updated’ Immigration Policy

Raul Castro’s government has given birth to the “updating” of the nation’s immigration policy. Regulations have been relaxed, irritating fees have been eliminated, and contacts between islanders and Cuban émigrés are going to be facilitated.

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Cuba: Victories, Cholera and Our Neighbors

Cuba’s leaders like decisive and overwhelming victories, which is what they have proclaimed to the world for five decades. While it’s true that they’ve never been able to overcome economic inefficiencies, they did achieve crushing military victories several times, from the Bay of Pigs to Cuito Cuanavale (in Angola).

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Mental Miniskirts

The main failure of the post-revolutionary Cuban education system was the elimination of disorder, variation and diversity as essential educational elements.

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From ‘Kufru’ to Moringa

Maybe one day someone will calculate how much Fidel Castro’s ignorant and voluntarist schemes have cost us. The recent call by the commandante for people to eat moringa plants was the buffoonish version of a past tragedy.

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