Haroldo Dilla

What Has Died in Cuba with Fidel Castro’s Death?

His legacy is practical. After half a century leading the Cuban State, Fidel Castro will be recognized as the architect of a strong justice-seeking project. The social programs he funded produced an unprecedented social movement in the country. And the resulting creation of a “human capital” force which remains today the guarantee that the national economy will take off and the reason behind its emigres’ success.

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The New Wave of Repression in Cuba

Laritza Diversent is the director of CUBALEX, a non-governmental agency that is committed to providing free legal services to Cubans. She is a young professional who speaks softly and has well-defined ideas, such as those that lawyers use when they file a lawsuit.

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Cuba: the Government vs. its Emigres

I have two pieces of news laying in front of me. One is about the situation of Cubans now in Ecuador. The other is the image of Colonel Idael Fumero saying that secret investments are being made by Cuban emigres in private initiatives on the island.

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The Invisible Struggle of Cuba’s Largest Opposition Group

The Cuban Patriotic Union (UNPACU) is without a doubt the Cuban opposition organization with the most extensive membership and the most intense activism. Especially strong in the Eastern tip of the country, its activities have become part of the political landscape in Santiago de Cuba and other southeastern Cuban cities. Despite this, it has little visibility. I believe there are two reasons why.

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Cuba: Migrants, Crises and Transnationalism

People in Cuba emigrate because they have no prospects in a country with a devastated economy, an authoritarian system of government and highly limited options in terms of personal realization. Cubans not only live poorly, they can’t complain about it and are unable to picture a brighter future. They are also terribly bored.

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What Can We Learn From Venezuela?

The defeat suffered by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) isn’t simply an electoral catastrophe. It is, first and foremost, another pivotal moment of the decline of the Chavista project.

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The Drama of Cubans in Central America: Culprits & Accomplices

The drama Cubans are going through in Central America is a multifaceted issue that cannot be summed up with a simple explanation. I won’t attempt to offer an exhaustive explanation here and limit myself to highlighting what I consider to be the most shameful aspect of this situation: the complicity of the Cuban government and those who remain silent about the incident.

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