
Nature Strikes Central America

An earthquake and a hurricane struck Central America on Thursday, striking at the same time from the Pacific and the Caribbean the narrow line of land linking North and South America, and once again showing its great vulnerability.

Nicaragua Braces for Hurricane Otto

Hurricane Otto is expected to reach land later on Thursday and currently packs 105 mph winds and moving west at 8 mph (7 a.m. EST) The center is expected to pass somewhere close to the Nicaragua – Costa Rica border and then continue on west, notes the National Hurricane Center,

FSLN Distributes 71 Deputy’s Seats, Leaving 21 for the “Mosquitos”

Nine days ahead of schedule, the official proclamation of the winners of the November 6th elections has been issued. Magistrate Roberto Rivas declared the Presidential formula Ortega-Murillo the victors, and also awarded the Sandinista Front 71 seats in the National Assembly. The rest of the 21 legislators’ positions will be divided up among the small parties termed the “mosquito” opposition.