
Water & the Singing Frog

The water, which flows down from Canta Rana and is distributed by gravity to the entire community, is in such short supply that it barely reaches some families due to the lack of pressure. The rest of the population receives the precious liquid in water trucks about every seven days;

On Fidel

His enemies don’t say that despite all the grief, despite the aggressions from abroad and the inconsistencies from within, that this suffering but insistently persevering island has generated the least unjust society in Latin American.

Honduras Coup Tests Democracies

The maneuver was exceedingly clumsy and poorly executed – as evidenced by the fake letter of resignation, imitated Venezuelan style – that didn’t convince even their own supporters. They are like the Bourbons: they neither forget nor learn.

Coup d’Etat or Coup de Grace?

Was it or was it not a coup d’etat? On Sunday, June 28 hundreds of soldiers surrounded the presidential residence, stormed in, ordered President Manuel Zelaya out of bed at gunpoint and herded him onto an air force plane that flew him to Costa Rica, still in his pajamas.

Obama-Africa-Cuba Connection

Barack Obama is making his first visit to sub-Saharan Africa as president on Friday, touching down in Ghana after attending the G-8 meeting in Italy. He has much catch up work to do to change the global “uncaring” image of the United States.

Cristina Fernandez on Honduras Coup

“I am not naïve, and I believe the attack is not only against you, President Zelaya, or against the Republic of Honduras. Perhaps there is a strategy that is finer, deeper, one that not only involves those in your country who may want to continue with the model of the non-redistribution of income, etc, etc. I believe that it is also an attempt to frustrate a different policy for the whole of America, of all countries that make up the Americas.”

Honduras Showdown on July 4 Weekend

If Micheletti and the Honduran military hold firm in the face of severe economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation, the ball will be in the court of the OAS, the UN and other regional bodies like the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas to up the ante or let the coup succeed by default.

Honduras: Democracy on Hold

The first measure taken by those who seized power in Honduras was to order a curfew. In addition, they suspended most television and radio broadcasts – even that of the American network CNN, which could be accused of everything except sympathizing with the popular and progressive sectors of Latin America.

Cuba Needs Initiative but…

Like the seemingly never ending US blockade that attacks Cuba’s economy from without, from the inside a corrosion process is gradually eating away at the relatively young 50-year revolution. Nonetheless, taking initiative to stop the rust is much easier said than done.

Welcome to Cuba B

This “Cuba B” is in no way homogeneous, since each one of its territories – the west, the east and the central region – has its particular characteristics. Nevertheless I am going to use as an illustration the provinces of Guantanamo, Las Tunas and Granma, three of the most backward regions in comparative terms, which came to be as a result of the new political and administrative divisions that have been functioning in the country since 1976.