Yusimi Rodriguez

The Real Situation in Cuba (Part II)

In 2007 I met a young foreigner who — inspired by the work of Cuban internationalist doctors in Africa — had decided to study medicine in Cuba. Can anyone deny the incredible work done by our internationalist doctors throughout Africa and in Venezuela, Haiti and other countries?

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The Real Situation in Cuba (Part I)

Beware of titles like this. Be suspicious of anything that attempts to tell the absolute truth about something – especially if that something is Cuba. Instead, take a gaming dice in your hands and try to see all six sides at the same time. The truth is like a dice, but with more sides.

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Take It Easy You Cubans

“You Cubans need to look on the bright side,” they seem to be saying. “You folks need to be content, appreciate what you have – because if you try to change things all you’re going to do is make them worse.” That’s the message that has kept us paralyzed for years

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Slowly Breaking Down the Barriers

Two years ago I interviewed Michel (Nonardo) Perea Enriquez, writer and plastic artist. Homosexual. His partners, always occasional, were guys who defined themselves as heterosexual in public and even in private adopted homophobic attitudes and were never seen with him in the street.

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Who Will Compensate the Iraqis?

The title of “Poster Girl” suggests a story – true or fictitious – about one of those lovely girls (her loveliness almost always enhanced a bit by the computer) that we see on magazine covers, showing off their ideal faces and bodies so beyond our reach.

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Cuba: A Good Time to Talk about Democracy

It’s good to know how things work in the United States – it keeps our dissatisfaction with the Cuban government from leading us to prefer the US model. I only think that if we talk about democracy, this is a good time to address our own.

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Havana’s Movie Theater Dilemma

In Cuba, in contrast to other countries, the movies aren’t a luxury but a form of entertainment that’s accessible to people of all incomes. A ticket costs two pesos in national currency (US 10 cents).

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