Cuba’s July 26th, Then and Now
The date July 26, the most celebrated day on the Cuban political calendar, has meant different things for me at different stages of my life.
Read MoreThe date July 26, the most celebrated day on the Cuban political calendar, has meant different things for me at different stages of my life.
Read MoreDoes the right to receive “systematic, truthful and diverse information that allows an approach to reality from all the complex angles that can be offered” include the existence of media that don’t respond to official interests?
Read More“They say that in the future it’s possible that the taxes will be reduced, but for this to happen three ministers have to get together: the ministers of Finances and Prices, the one from Domestic Trade…and…well I don’t remember the other one.
Read MoreHow does the metamorphosis of a leader into a dictator occur? Is there a way of diagnosing a potential dictator? Not all leaders become dictators, but most dictators (if not all of them) have been leaders.
Read MoreColor does not ensure anything more than image, that is, the image of a race and gender composition that resembles the make-up of the country. In ancient Greece, which was where the term Democracy emerged, there were no elections and women, slaves and foreigners were excluded from governance.
Read MoreI went to find Pepe after not having seen him for three months. In April he was able to start up his business selling fast food in the street from a shopping cart.
Read MoreI have been studying Haiti for six or seven years. First from the legal point of view, then from the angle that it was a revolution by African descendants, which led me to look at the case of Cuba.
Read MoreA few weeks ago I read an article published in Spanish only on several Cuban websites that referred to Havana Times. At first I felt compelled to write something in response, but in the end I thought it wouldn’t be worth the trouble.
Read MoreI admit that when I heard Juana Maria complaining about water problems at her house, I didn’t find her story anything out of the ordinary. I said to her that many Cubans frequently lack water, including me.
Read MoreDesgaste is the first individual exhibition of this young 28-year-old artist who has previously participated in several group expositions.” This work has taken me two or three years of experimentation to develop, without knowing if it could or could not be developed as a form of art,” notes Yomer Fidel Montejo Harrys. 13 FOTOS
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