Yusimi Rodriguez

From Cuba on Boxing & Head Gear

Last week I heard on the news that they are discussing the possibility of eliminating protective head guards for boxers in the 2012 London Olympic Games. The thinking is that this will make the event more exciting.

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The Making of “Miss Pop”

Michel combined his own figure – the protagonist of all the pieces – with elements of pop iconography and famous artists from Marilyn Monroe to Andy Warhol, not to mention his idol Madonna.

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Makers of Romantic Music in Old Havana

I arrived as the Duo De Reyes was changing sites, moving from the Plaza de Armas to the La Mina ice-cream parlor. “Nosotros somos personas honradas. Independientemente de nuestro trabajo, cuidamos el turismo. No porque el gobierno nos lo exija, pero lo hacemos.”

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From the Stands: Baseball & Politics in Cuba

What’s important is not to wait for your rival to score six or seven runs before changing the pitcher, or to get to the ninth inning seven runs down with two outs before calling back the batter who has screwed up during the whole game and finally replace him with a pinch hitter.

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Saved by the Parade

Leticia is an eight-year-old third grader. Last Friday she was supposed to have an English exam, a subject she has problems with and doesn’t like a whole lot. She was nervous all week because of the exam, at least until Thursday. That day, her teacher informed all the students that there wouldn’t be any classes on Friday because of rehearsals for the 50th anniversary Bay of Pigs victory parade and “military review.”

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To Express My Ideas and Have Them Heard (Part I)

Decadencia was the first song I ever heard by Escuadron Patriota. This was at the end of 2009. What caught my attention was his courage and especially the absence obscene or violent language. But that hasn’t prevented him from being strictly censored.

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Attempting Self-employed Work in Cuba

Pepe began by looking for all available information in order to decide what type of self-employed work he could do. The choices included selling prepared food, selling animals for “religious matters” or selling farm products.

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