Is there an organization that is “encouraging” the Canadian government to grant more visas for Cubans who do not want to immigrate?

Question: Is there an organization that is “encouraging” the Canadian government to grant more visas for Cubans who do not want to immigrate but wish to visit Canada briefly, and/or possibly work here for several months?

Answer: In an email consultation with several Canadian-based solidarity groups with Cuba, the consensus is that no such organization exists in Canada. Instead, each visa is handled individually as a specific case, and it appears that Canada often does not give a reason for refusing a visa.

That said, some Cubans have received visas to immigrate to Canada, some have received visas to make visits for specific purposes, such as performing musicians, or doctors or other professionals attending a conference, or Cuban students attending a short- or longer-term educational program in Canada, etc. It appears that the Canadian government takes into account who, on the Canadian end, is inviting the Cuban – if it is a reputable organization or university, or if it is an individual.

Even when people get married – in this case, a Cuban and a Canadian – it is not easy to get a visa and can indeed take a year to a year and a half.

2 thoughts on “Is there an organization that is “encouraging” the Canadian government to grant more visas for Cubans who do not want to immigrate?

  • I have first-hand experience of subversive Rightwingers of cuban descent working with canadian Rightwingers (and not just cubans. Canada is an *official* haven for fascists and other ugly people from all over the World. It is government policy. Of *all* the bourgeois government parties here — including “social-democracy”. My experience here is personal and definitive). These people of cuban descent even boast of their subversion on the island, with the help money, that is so scarce in Cuba.

    So do NOT trust the CDN government — and beware of greeks bearing gifts. Especially where they travel with canadian passports.

  • Of course there is..The story that there is not such an effort is a bunch of BS..The canadian Gov would love to aid and assist the Cuban people to abandon its country providing they are not TOO DARK?
    ..I know because my own daiughter in law was approaced..Of course she does not look like anAfrican desc but she is, and what she says happened in her case was that a store keeper asked her if she would like to live in Canada..Whe queried, the shop ownerWOMAN told my daughter in law that she could arrange such a VISA through the RACIST Cuban int sec?? WTF? ..So believe me i believe her..After all she is barely 23 a college frad and committed to freedom and warm weather..
    Besides she says..She has the ability to leave Cuba if she chooses, since she is also Jamaican working on a MD with family already living in Toronto?? So what is the denial here?

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