My Job Is Going to Kill Me (Part II)
Daisy Valera

Last month I was limping around on one leg, and just a week ago my back was giving me trouble from my scoliosis.
So the plastic chair that serves as my workstation doesn’t help much.
Since I don’t like wasting three hours I spend traveling every day, I read on the bus, which has ended up giving me more of a headache than usual.
The cold air at 6:00 in the morning has given me a cold that has proven to be super-resistant to what I believed were infallible home remedies: honey and vitamin C.
But in my short work experience, the physical ailments haven’t been anywhere near the worst.
The problems that have succeeded most at tormenting me are psychological.
– The bad mood I’m in when I wake up.
– The presence of one recurrent thought all day: the end of that workday.
– The apprehension and uncertainty over whether or not I’ll have money to eat until the next payday (this has given me so such anxiety I find myself biting my nails). Selling my crafts would be the solution but I don’t have time.
– Insomnia, when trying to sleep and rest for the next workday.
– Finally, the nightmares and screams of terror in the middle of the night (some old gray-haired man is trying to pull me out of bed by my legs, and his image remains even after I open my eyes).
I’ve thrown myself into trying to find solutions to my physical and mental state, but so far I’ve only found one, through a book by the Spanish yoga practitioner Ramiro Calle.
What he offers is yoga, and its link between concentration and corporal practices has begun to help me recently.
While I focus on postures, breathing and exhalation, I forget about the difficulties that I’ll run into the next day.
For the time being my legs have stopped hurting.
And I suffer less, at least a little less, thanks to my little efforts at de-alienation.
Daisy, yoga can be very helpful for many reasons. I have been doing yoga for years and it has helped with my back problems. Using yoga deep breathing techniques can help with insomnia too – breathe in as slowly and completely as you can; hold for a count of three, then breathe out just as slowly and completely; hold the exhale for a count of three, then begin the cycle again. This works because it is not only relaxing your body but it is also giving your mind a simple task, thus stopping it from wandering off on a negative path. Good luck!