Maduro and His Harsh Tone
Dariela Aquique

HAVANA TIMES — I hadn’t wanted to comment on what is happening in Venezuela, primarily because I am prone to writing on Cuba’s problems more than foreign ones. And secondly, because as always our media only gives one version of the events and I don’t want to err inappropriately.
Since explicit expressions of rejection of the government of President Nicolas Maduro began on January 23, starting with a peaceful march of students and became guarimba (as Venezuelans call street protests) I noted the harsh tone used by the president to refer to anyone that opposes him.
Loss of life and property damage has been the balance of these brawls between Chavistas and adversaries. Things went a bit far and both sides resorted to violence, which seems to be inevitable in this country, almost divided in half.
When the media began to cover these clashes international public opinion became vocal according to which side you receive communion from.
While it is true that there was an entire media campaign from the right and its allies within and outside the country to exaggerate what was happening, the government’s media also divulged what was convenient.
From the moment they spoke of a possible intervention (in my opinion unnecessary), the president had no choice but to lower the tone and invite all parties to a peace conference.
Much of the opposition (the less extreme part) heeded the call of the government and are now engaged in trying to contain the outbreaks of violence. Fortunately the wave of excesses has declined.
But the tone of Maduro is still a little rough. He likes to hurl pejorative adjectives at his antagonists. He makes threats and appears a little paranoid, because any president, foreign minister, artist or whoever says something the ex-bus driver doesn’t like he throws a fit and breaks off relations.
In one of the meetings of the Peace Conference, someone reproached him for having used the term: we are going to tame you, referring to the rioting students. He also talked at some point of sending tanks out in the state of Táchira if necessary (no one told me this this, I heard him on Telesur TV).
Hopefully Venezuelans can resolve their differences without more violence. But clearly in diplomacy Maduro has a long way to go; he will have to modify his harsh tone.
What kind of world you live in? When the Empires want to for any reason interfere in a country they DO! Don’t you see news? These are Venezuelans protesting, is it that hard to understand? Neither Americans nor Cubans ! We only want Venezuelans in OUR institutions! Hands off Venezuela Castros!
About 15 years ago rabidly anti-Castro journalist/writer Georgie Ann Geyer predicted that once Fidel was out of the picture, Cuba would RUN back to capitalism .
When Fidel had his serious gastro-intestinal problems some seven or so years ago , all the anti-Castro crazies were dancing in the streets anticipating an end to the Cuban Revolution .
Now here comes Moses with HIS wishful thinking.
I can only hope that he holds his breath while he waits for the good news.
Not really. I believe we are in the last days of the Castro tyranny. I support my Cuban family and wait to hear the good news.
Even the government-backed Venezuelan press has reported that the mix of protesters crosses all economic classes. Last I checked, taking to the streets is an integral part of the democratic process and should not be illegal. Both sides are guilty of violent acts so there is plenty of blame to be shared.
It’s called sarcasm John….
Like that Colombian journalist commented ” Venezuela is a strange place, where the poor celebrate and the wealthy protest”. Cuba, without “free elections” is one thing. But I believe that nothing shows Western capitalist’s disdain and fear of Democracy more clearly than their treatment of Venezuela.
If you have internet access, I would suggest you read reporting on Venezuela at Venezuelanalysis , ZNet and the writings of Mark Weisbrot in particular .
These sources will give you both sides of the story but will also take a historical perspective that differs widely from the U.S. corporate media version .
In short, these sources are what I recommend as sources of the truth on what is going on in Venezuela .
As usual, I say that you should not take my word for anything but check out these sources for yourself.
I don’t think the Venezuelan people would vote for a pro-capitalist, pro-totalitarian like you anymore than the Cuban people would vote in a Batista -like candidate in even a municipal election.
Those days are over .
The U.S. is not about to openly invade Venezuela as it once would have done and has to work covertly to now TRY to overthrow a democratic government .
Maduro was ELECTED in a free and fair election much as was Obama .
If the people of Venezuela now decide that they don’t like his policies, they can do what you do in a DEMOCRATIC country and VOTE him out at the next election.
It is your side, the wealthy right that is taking to the streets in illegal and disruptive demonstrations rather than work in a democratic way to change things and if you do not believe that the U.S. is behind much of this , you’re the fool. .
But then, democracy is not the preferred system of your group, is it ?
Is it ?
No, it just means that you are under the spell of the Castros too. They’re so bewitching…don’t cha know. I suppose it adds fuel to your ever lasting witch-hunt.
You’re right. ‘Spose that means I should run for President in Venezuela.
“He is equally under the spell of the Castros and therefore is quick to
name-calling because of his limited vocabulary and street-level manners.”
….clown….bootlicker…. Moses, it seems that your street-level manners are showing too.
Maduro is a poorly educated payaso. He was Chavez’ best bootlicker and therefore perfect for the job to replace him. He is equally under the spell of the Castros and therefore is quick to name-calling because of his limited vocabulary and street-level manners. The good news is, because of his ineptitude, history will easily blame Maduro for the eminent disaster to occur in Venezuela, leaving Chavez’ legacy intact.