Dirty News

HAVANA TIMES – The street woke up with all the noise. The inquisitive circled the garbage dumpster while waiting for the police to arrive. It was all confusion in the beginning, then we found out, from a neighbor, that there was a dead baby. Somebody had left it there, maybe the mother.

I was overcome by pain and anguish. I imagined the hours this little creature had spent dying because of extreme weakness, a real hell for such a little being that can’t even understand the reason for so much suffering.

I’m curious but I didn’t leave the house, I don’t understand the morbidity people have in their hearts, who appear to be in solidarity but are feeding off such events.  

At dawn, a man who was rummaging through the garbage had found the baby wrapped in a plastic bag and he was left in so much dismay that it took him a while to speak and report what he had found. The police were soon called, and I don’t know what happened next, I left to travel to go see my daughter like I do every Saturday.

The next day, the same neighbor who has the calling of a journalist, explained what had happened to my wife. A young woman from Cortes, only 17 years old, had abandoned the baby. The body displayed signs of strangulation, which makes us guess that she had killed her son before ditching the body.

Killing your own child is such a brutal act that you can only conclude the woman was a degenerate. Her age, a mental disorder or her own terrible personal situation can’t justify such barbarianism. Even the worst murderers love their children, although not all of them mind you.

She could have left the baby at the maternity ward, have given him to someone else to look after, left him in front of a public space, any lesser atrocity that would soften so much evil before strangling him with her own hands and throwing the body in the garbage, as if it were an organ, an amputated limb, or cancerous tissue that the surgeon gets rid of in the operating room once the surgery is over.

There was another event in November, which touched Pinar del Rio’s inhabitants and the story went viral on some independent media platforms. A woman who amputated her husband’s genitals after discovering that he had been sexually abusing their 6-year-old daughter.

She was cold-blooded enough to drug him, pose in photos next to the sleeping man and then to document everything after the castration, including photos of the penis and testicles separated from his body in a WhatsApp post.

I can mention more examples from November, ranging from a young man who lost an arm in an attack to steal his cellphone, to a woman who was stabbed by her ex-husband in front of her workplace in broad daylight.

There are many, many stories that wouldn’t fit here.

I don’t want to politicize events that happen everywhere in the world, but despite being anti-religious, I’m not an atheist and I have the feeling that Cuba is enshrouded in a dark hole of bad energy.

Nothing good happens and everything is bad news, such dirty events that they even exceed those of Bukowski.

Read more from the diary of Pedro Pablo Morejon here.

Pedro Morejón

I am a man who fights for his goals, who assumes the consequences of his actions, who does not stop at obstacles. I could say that adversity has always been an inseparable companion, I have never had anything easy, but in some sense, it has benefited my character. I value what is in disuse, such as honesty, justice, honor. For a long time, I was tied to ideas and false paradigms that suffocated me, but little by little I managed to free myself and grow by myself. Today I am the one who dictates my morale, and I defend my freedom against wind and tide. I also build that freedom by writing, because being a writer defines me.

One thought on “Dirty News

  • Hello there. I’m not a believer either and I’m certain that our society and the country it’s cursed. In such a bad way that the whole world doesn’t care at all, and the locals in power don’t care what’s going on with those people. They are focused on maintaining the status quo and keep searching for the next sponsor in order to keep playing their favorite roll -the victim-.
    Anyway, it’s a loop, that for now, is not going to end anytime soon.

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