The Invasion of Flies in Today’s Cuba

Cuba has become a giant trash heap where we remain surrounded.

By Esther Zoza

HAVANA TIMES – The garbage inevitably reaches my doorstep, and with it, the flies: they invade the house, settle on the kitchen tiles, and threaten to enter the refrigerator. They drive us crazy.

Although it may seem uncertain, the flies change the family dynamic. My father gives up the closet where he keeps the parts of his motorcycle, to store plates, glasses, and other kitchenware. My mother dusts off her sewing machine and begins to make plastic sheets, while my little sister spends the day recording our madness.

The flies arrive in my neighborhood and enter the homes after days of feeding on garbage and feces. Some children in the building fall ill with diarrhea, and no one knows what to do. The neighbors gather and decide to set fire to the trash heaps without considering the consequences it would generate, but fortunately, some neighbors convince them to desist.

There’s no doubt that the flies have mutated. Immune to bleach, chlorine, and other disinfectants, they continue their invasion. Could it be that, worried about their offspring, something we can’t do, they have developed a genetic sequence that alters their habitat? Could it be that, filled with these disinfectants, the future flies will forever enjoy the hygiene that is impossible for us to have, no matter how hard we try?

Cuba has become a giant trash heap where we remain surrounded. The time when the containers were emptied has been lost in the failure to act of officials. They don’t seem to care if diseases proliferate or if an epidemic breaks out. Living like animals without realizing it has become a routine for most. Cornering the trash, walking over it, even stepping on it, is our daily bread. It’s inevitable to think that we live on a floating trash island in the Caribbean, where soon we will cease to be human animals.

Read more from Esther Zoza’s diary here.

12 thoughts on “The Invasion of Flies in Today’s Cuba

  • To characterize Cuba as a ‘floating trash island’ is a little bit alarmist. There may be problems with garbage disposal causing fly infestations but everyone knows that Cubans are intelligent and resourceful, so why haven’t they done something about it other than stare blankly at the piles of rubbish? Stop waiting for the state, or someone else, to cleanup your mess. Get together as communities and figure-out solutions to this problem – use your intelligence and resourcefulness. On the flip-side, we all know that electricity generation is an issue on the island, so why doesn’t Cuba build waste-to-energy (WtE) electricity generating power plants? Such facilities solve two problems simultaneously and they are used around the world. Cuba could be a kick-ass country, perhaps they just need a kick-start.

  • Instead of complaining where are the true world leaders to make life for all on earth a beautiful better peaceful something world leaders.

  • This is what happens to all communist countries why is anyone surprised.

  • This article is observation only. I just spent 4 weeks in various places in Cuba. Yes, the garbage piles up, weekly, then it’s picked up. The published photo is not uncommon however this article is misleading.

    This is a beautiful island with beautiful people. They’re struggling but to label this as a ‘floating trash island’ is nonsense.

  • Very sorry for your plight.
    I enjoyed my visit to Cuba.
    Wonderful people, beautiful Island.

    Poverty upset me.
    I sent a donation to St. Christopher Cathedral.
    Might help a few.
    Bring back God, it might work better.

  • It is sickening what cuba has become. It is a beautiful island with the locals having hearts of gold. I have been to cuba almost 20 times and I would hate to spend all that money on a vacation and get sick . The government needs to step in because the Cubans don’t deserve this.

  • This is not a way of life living with flies.They carry germs and multiple.It seems the government does not give a dam.Its all about money not people or the health and safety of lives. God help Cuba.

  • They should be discipline on dumping their garbage. On our way back from Cayo Santa Maria we saw a lot of plastic garbage on the road. What’s going on? They need to keep their place clean to protect their lives. And from flooding.

  • Garbage laying all over is a concern and needs to be addressed. I noticed the last couple visits to cuba that nothing is being done.

  • Cuba should be Canada’s 11th province. Cubans are educated, hard working people. The tension with US would disappear, their standard of living would rise
    It’s a win win for everyone. Their culture, like quebec s would be protected.

  • with the collection of trash dumped everywhere those flies will soon turn to rats infestation leading to more deseases and its the start of a great exodus of tourists who will simply go elsewhere instead of vacationing in Cuba. Ive been to cuba 15 times in the past decade and i’m starting to seriously consider paying higher prices to go instead to places like Mexico as my tourist destination now. WAKE UP CUBA.

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