Havana Rotary Club’s 100th Anniversary

And its future in Cuba

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Graham Sowa

HAVANA TIMES — In 1979 Rotary International, the world’s largest service organization with clubs in over 120 countries, laid the foundation for a program to rid the world of polio, which became to be known as Polio Plus. Coincidently, the same year Cuba was put on a list of countries where Rotary Clubs were no longer allowed to be chartered.

During the past decades Polio transmission has been eliminated in all but three or four places on our planet. The effort has been tremendous, with multiple service groups, health organizations and The United Nations making contributions. Cuba has been there along the way, sharing its experience of having eliminated natural polio transmission by the mid 1960’s.

Even though Cuba has played a role in this project with its tens of thousands of doctors in dozens countries, working in some of the world’s most rural and underdeveloped areas, Rotary International has yet to charter any new clubs on the island.

Now, in 2016, we are on the doorstep of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Havana Rotary Club, which had its first meeting on April 29, 1916.


The Havana Rotary Club was the first Rotary Club to be founded outside an English speaking country, and within 30 years of its founding there were close to 60 other clubs across the island. Rotary had such a strong presence in Cuba that Havana was selected as the site of the 1940 Rotary International Convention. It was here in Havana that Rotary issued a desperate call for peace on the doorstep to World War II. Cuban nationals served on three different occasions as President of Rotary International.

As far as public record goes the Cuban government never had a problem with Rotary. As with other social and service organizations present on the island (such as the Odd Fellows, Masons, and Red Cross) respect for local laws and sovereignty is expected. As Rotary has an apolitical mandate and exists in almost every country in the world respecting local law will not likely be a problem in Cuba.

rotary-cubaRotary’s Polio Plus program to eliminate polio transmission worldwide is just one example of the potential collaborative space that the organization has in common with Cuba. Cultural exchange, projects focused on the environment, healthcare, ensuring clean water, university scholarships and working towards global friendship while respecting identity and celebrating differences are all parts of what makes Rotary what it is.

The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Rotary Club of Havana should be seen as an opportunity for Rotary International to reach out and once again let clubs be chartered on this Caribbean island nation.


Graham Sowa: I've been living in Cuba for three years now. I would like to blame my obvious hair loss seen in this updated photo on the rigors of life here and medical school, but it is probably just genetic. I've made some of the strongest friendships during my time in Cuba from other writers on this website. The strength of those friendships has almost restored my faith that the online world can lead to offline and real life change. On that same note I've adjusted to using internet one or two hours a month. In the meantime I have rediscovered things like flipping through the pages of books, writing stuff down by hand, and having to admit that I don't know something instead of rapidly looking up the answer on Google while the teacher isn't looking.

16 thoughts on “Havana Rotary Club’s 100th Anniversary

  • I have been sending containers of humanitarian equipment to Cameroon since 2004. Presently that country is in strife so I am searching out other countries who would like to participate. The container (40′ or 20′) once it arrives at your port becomes YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. I have sent school buses, re equipped 35 hospitals, built latrines, computer labs, school books etc. If interested please advise.

    PDG Pete

  • I plan to visit Cuba in February 2020. Does Rotary meet? When and where?

    JIm Nelson
    PDG 6420

  • We will ask.

  • I am a rotarian from Switzerland, pediatrician-neonatologist interested in visitng the maternity hospital of Santiago de Cuba and eventually to establish a cooperation. Could you please keep me in contact with the hospital?

  • And 2 years after you first posted I am reading this. Has there been gains in reinstating Rotary in Cuba? I would be interested in helping in any way. We travel to Havana several times a year. I hope to hear from you.

  • Hello dear Friends
    My husband and me are Rotariens. We lived in south of France and we will visit Cuba durinf 15 days.
    We are in la Havane 17, 18 et 19 march 2017.We will very enjoy to meet members of your club.
    What day and where do you make your meeting ? Thank you very much for your answer. Friendly.

  • Hey Graham…
    I am working on a people to people visit for a Key West 8th grade class for a year from now (next May) and recurring every year. The school has a Junior Rotarian program, and we would like to tie that into the annual trip with a manageable project (preferrably at a local school) to complete while there. Any thoughts? Any local 8th grade school connections you can hook me up with? I’m the Membership Chair for the Rotary Club of Key West, let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you re-establish The Rotary Club De La Habana…Jim

  • Hi Nyree, I’m a Rotarian in Lakewood, CO and am going to Cuba in May for 2 weeks. What is the status of the Cuba Rotary Clubs reinstatement? I would love to visit one while we are the, and can help out any way I can. Contact me at [email protected]. Thanks!

  • I will be in Cuba in early November of this year (2016). Is there a club open now?

  • LIKE!

  • Hello, I am a Rotary member in Lakewood, Colorado, Lakewood Foothills. We will be visiting Cuba May 9 – May 23 as part of a Sustainable Cuba delegation. We will be in Havana for a few days and then on to Santiago for a conference and tours of solar, wind, and sustainable agriculture in that area. I would love to make contacts in Cuba for Rotary, and here in the U.S. with people that are working on reinstatement of Cuba Rotary clubs. We also have interest in establishing projects in Cuba. You may reach me at [email protected] Thanks!!!

  • Hi Marie, I have the same request – see my post above – please email me at [email protected]

  • Hello, I am trying to get in touch with people involved in Rotary in Cuba. Do you know anyone I might be able to contact? My email is [email protected]. Thanks!

  • Hello Graham – I have already sent a request to reinstate the Havana chapter! If I get the go-ahead I will write to you so you can spread the word – we will need a minimum of 20 members!

  • That’s one heck of a link and over 100 years! Wonderful alliance for worldwide combinations and discussions regarding business and opportunities. Was totally unaware Cuba still had this program.

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