Cuba: Subsidy or Suicide?

Irina Echarry

alamar-1HAVANA TIMES — My building was constructed in the mid-70s, in the midst of severe material shortages. The families who moved into the building had been without a home for years and therefore didn’t care that it was far from the city center or that the apartments were poorly finished – that monolithic block of concrete in the middle of nowhere was a palace to them.

The Microbrigadas project, Cuba’s serial construction project, was at its peak and the people involved in it (in my building’s case, these were journalists, typesetters, book binders, secretaries and designers) became bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, etc., on the go.

There was no previous training: daily practice and creative problem-solving was the way people learned. This way, stumbling along, learning and making things up as they went, thousands of people built their own homes in the budding neighborhood to the east of the city.

One of the weak points of this process was that the future tenants weren’t allowed to choose the materials they needed or wanted, but had to take the ones assigned to them by the State. For instance, not enough tiles were assigned to our building and, as a quick and cheap solution, bathrooms and kitchens were finished with plaster – a bad-quality plaster that has managed to survive with a measure of dignity for over 40 years. At first, it didn’t look so bad – time, the improper use of cleaning products and humidity gradually deteriorated it.

Some of the tenants managed to fix up their homes little by little, but some of us have taken much longer to do so. Marina is one neighbor who couldn’t stand having a bathroom in such condition. She was tired of the dark stains on the walls and the large pores that opened up on the rugged surface of the plaster. No matter how much she wiped the wall, it never looked good. Marina, however, is retired, and even though she works part time at a school to earn something on top of her pension, the money wasn’t enough to go on, let alone to think about undertaking home repairs.

Months ago, she got wind that the State was subsidizing the sale of building materials and invoked Agreement No. 7155 of December 13, 2011, issued by the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers, an instrument that provides for aid to the victims of natural disasters and people without the needed financial resources to build or repair their homes.

She quickly submitted her application at the Municipal Housing Office. She waited for the Municipal Labor Bureau to assess the socio-economic situation of her family and for her case to be reviewed by the Administrative Council of the Municipal People’s Power, which finally granted her the subsidy.

Happy with her nearly 5,000-peso cheque (250 usd), she bagan finding out prices. She knew she could buy some products at a number of hard-currency hardware stores (at a 25 Pesos to 1 Cuban Convertible Peso exchange rate) and construction sites. It looked easy: she would fix her bathroom in no time.

Marina still doesn’t know why, but, when she went to the construction site to buy the materials, she found everything she needed. She got her hands on the tiles, the white cement and liners offered in Cuban pesos in merely three trips (her aim was merely to tile the bathroom). She got lucky. There are those who take months to find these materials and have to ask for an extension of the subsidy because of lack of materials.

At the time, transportation expenses were not included in the credit. She had to pay a bici-taxi to take the sacks and boxes of materials to the building and two young men to take these up to the fourth floor, where she lives, out of her own pocket.

losas-rotasSuddenly, she ran into the first obstacle. Where was she to find a bricklayer who would do the job for so little? The 1,300 pesos (or 52 CUC) destined to construction work is much less than what self-employed bricklayers charge (which is almost five times that amount).

These problems, however, were nothing compared to the ones they ran into it when the work began and they discovered that the tiles she had bought cracked at the slightest touch. What was she to do, when the money from the State check had run out and she had no savings? There was but one solution: to install the broken tiles.

It would seem Marina’s bathroom is destined to failure: all the repairs have afforded her is a bit more cleanliness and the fear that a bit of tile will fall off the wall at any moment.

The idea behind these subsidies must be reviewed in greater depth, for their aim is, supposedly, to help people, not give them more headaches. It would have to be conceived as a package that isn’t limited to the money but also includes a staff of bricklayers willing to charge the amount that the State allots, transporters that will take the materials to one’s house and, if necessary (as in the case of Alamar), haul them up a flight of stairs, as well as technicians that can vouch for the quality of the materials. Why do they allow poor-quality products with awful finishes on the market? Why is everything sold in Cuban pesos crude, horrible and badly-made?

I know this is a subsidy but it needs to be re-thought, particularly because it is conceived to help those in greatest need – generally elderly people who have worked their entire lives. Now, drained of energies, they look to State subsidies as a lifeline, something with which they can repair those badly-built apartments that were once a point of pride and cause for joy, apartments that are today in ruins.

Irina Echarry

Irina Echarry: I enjoy reading, going to the movies and spending time with my friends. Many of the people I love are dead, or are no longer in Cuba. I will do my best to transmit my thoughts, ideas or worries via these pages so you can get to know me. I will give an idea of my age, since it helps explain certain things. I’m over thirty-five, and I think that’s enough information. I don’t have any children yet, or nieces or nephews. There are days when I transform myself into a child with no age at all in order to see life from another angle. It helps me break the monotony and survive in this strange world.

One thought on “Cuba: Subsidy or Suicide?

  • The reason for the poor quality of the materials purchased from the State businesses in Cuba is that the Goverenment purchasing agencies pay as little as they possibly can to maximise he profit margin.
    Much of the white cement sold in Cuba contains asbestos purchased from Russia although it is known to be one of the most active carcenogenic materials and is banned in most Western countries.
    It is noteworrthy that these concrete block buildings of Russian type design similar o those constructed in East Germany which have either been torn down or vacated, were built at a time when due to Russian subsidies the Cuban economy was at its most healthy point under tthe Castro family regime.
    The poor Cubans are left high and dry tto resolve the problems themselves, while the Castro family sleep snug as bugs in a rug in their comfortable residences in Siboney.
    Their socialist creed remains everybody equal – except us and we are in charge

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