Finally, a Chance to Start Anew

By Michelle Quezada

HAVANA TIMES – The awaited day finally came. For more than a year I’d been struggling to get asylum status here in Norway.  I had clung to my desire to live without violence, fear and persecution, and it came.

On Saturday August 14, Norway decided to grant me political asylum after suffering a long process of anxiety, depression, tears and frustration in a country where democracy and respect for human rights are applied every day.

Finally, it is my turn to start anew after in Nicaragua my rights and personal safety were taken away from me, likewise, my dreams as a student.

The news brought me lots of feelings all together. I can’t describe how I feel now that I know my physical integrity is protected. However, in my mind I can’t stop thinking about my country, Nicaragua. Freedom ceased to exist there, and it pains me to know how the dictatorship is destroying the country.

I can’t stop thinking how this election year will be another exercise of fraud. With my voice, the only thing left for me, I won’t stop protesting, denouncing, and telling the truth about the reality in Nicaragua.

I feel that my contribution is small, but here they cannot silence me. My responsibility is to continue demanding a change for Nicaragua and that the dictatorship pay for its crimes.

Read more from Michelle Quezada here.

Michelle Quezada

I am a 20-year-old Nicaraguan girl. I describe myself as a happy, sociable person with dreams and defined goals. I want to study environmental engineering and I also really like fashion design, two totally different things. I grew up knowing that dreams can be achieved if we are dedicated and fighters. My life has taken some unexpected turns; I'll be telling you about that.

One thought on “Finally, a Chance to Start Anew

  • Thanks for sharing your escape to a free country to start anew. Good for You!

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