Island II the Continuation of a Project (video)

Nonardo Perea

HAVANA TIMES — The short film is dedicated to everyone who has needed to emigrate to find opportunities and try and prosper in another place. It is the second installment of something that was initially going to be a trilogy, and is dedicated to my friends and acquaintances.

Now, seeing its opportunities for growth, I can say that this will be a series which, from what I have seen, will form an inseparable part of my life, an infinite series where I will slowly be exploring what happens around me in a creative way.

Another two installments have already been finished this year.

And they have nothing to do with each other. They can perfectly be seen as independent videos, just personal amusements that I hope you will be able to understand, images where I present my way of seeing things in an intimate way to some degree, where I express my concerns, desires, dreams, in short, my life recreated by me and where of course there will be something hidden, because there are some things that are better left until the end.

ISLA 2 from havanatimes on Vimeo.

Nonardo Perea

Nonardo Perea: I see myself as an observant person and I like to write with sincerity what I think and live first hand. I’m shy and of few words; thus it’s difficult for me to engage in conversation. For that reason, my best tool for communicating is writing. I live in Marianao, Havana and am 40 years old.

One thought on “Island II the Continuation of a Project (video)

  • i whisper every day I dont want to be here. and im countin the days to leave this jail. thankyu for a beautiful story!

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