My YouTube Channel (video)

Nonardo Perea

HAVANA TIMES – En la cama con Nonardo (In bed with Nonardo): is the name of my new YouTube channel.
It emerged from my last course in Prague, in March, where I had the chance to meet and receive classes from Spanish YouTuber Irantzu Varela.

Varela is a businesswoman, journalist and militant feminist in Spain, coordinator of Faktoria Lila, as well as one of its founders. She is also the presenter of El Tornillo, a feminist microspace on La Tuerka. She also collaborates with the digital newspaper Pikara Magazine, in the Alo Irantzu section.

Her work really caught my attention and inspired me to create this personal space where I work from a personal standpoint as an artist. I deal with subjects that interest me, such as feminism, LGBTIQ issues and sexuality, all of which I approach with humor and irony.

I have already been censored (which was to be expected) when I talked about sadomasochism in my last program and it was deleted because it didn’t abide by the site’s regulations.

I would like to share with you my latest video which deals with the subject of aging. I hope you like it, and I will continue to work on new ideas so as to grow my audience and provide content they enjoy.

Nonardo Perea

Nonardo Perea: I see myself as an observant person and I like to write with sincerity what I think and live first hand. I’m shy and of few words; thus it’s difficult for me to engage in conversation. For that reason, my best tool for communicating is writing. I live in Marianao, Havana and am 40 years old.