By Regina Cano

I had the luck of finding out in time about the “Nonviolence Day” activity, the first such homage ever organized in Havana.
Its date, October 2, has been recognized around the world since 2000, but -as occasionally happens- we Cubans didn’t find out in time.
That day is the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, and through this the celebration points to one of the undertakings of this great person.
Fate brought to the hands of writer Veronica Perez Vega a magazine where this event was mentioned. She therefore took on the task of pulling together a group of people sensitive to the issue. That was how the activity was initiated. She and her friends and comrades organized the homage at a Vedado neighborhood cultural center.
Called “Ahimsa” (from the a Sanskrit term meaning to do no harm – literally: the avoidance of violence), the activity’s invitees included Gabriel Calaforra, who is a professor of eastern culture and languages; Pimentel, a yoga instructor; as well as environmentalists, animal rights advocates, those who defend the rights of obese people through their dancing, visual artists (who provided their works for an exhibition there), left activists, journalists, poets, and theater people – in short, people who were leaving their imprint in spiritual as well as critical thought through this first activity.
The entire select group that reflected a percentage of the Havana population that lives, thinks and feels differently, hidden among the great “masses.”
This small event brought us a great deal hope, because -like in other parts of the world- violence marks our lives, perhaps due to limited resources and overcrowding.
These are occurrences that the multitudes experience daily: catching public transportation, buying food, purchasing a postage stamp, making a call on a public telephone or going to see a doctor. All these acts build up pressure that impact on you more frequently than you would like and are evidenced in our manner of speaking, walking and even dancing.
Increasingly, we are a people without the inner peace necessary to discover ways to solve our own problems, beginning with the personal and family environment.
I suppose that to turn the parable upside-down, and to make a 180 degree change requires a long re-learning process, which sounds crazy if one proposes to apply this to an entire people; it’s almost impossible. But I assure you that to practice nonviolence could be the principle and could mean a great change in the lives of everyone – even yours.
This is why I believe that what happened on October 2 was important and that it should continued. I hope that it continues to achieve what it is aiming for: gathering people around a goal that will allow us all a better life.
No Capitalism will never be the answer..Ask Evo Morales
Regina, with regard to Gandhi and non-violence as a principle, our small cooperative socialist movement in the US is with you in spirit 100%.
Our four cardinal organizational principles are non-violence, legality, openness and persuasion. We believe that a socialist transformation must strive for and through these, if it is to be a transformation worth striving for.
Please know that we in the cities of the US face violence every day far and above anything you can face in Cuba. The people here are nice and polite in some situations, but are rude, arrogant and violent in the roads and in public contact generally.
This morning in Santa Monica, CA we are going to have our car washed in support of the family of a 20-yr-old Hispanic boy who was shot and killed in a local park a few nights ago. The police caught the perpetrators, and now so many lives are ruined!
Certainly you have problems in your country, but capitalism is not the answer. Good luck!