Damage Report on Varadero, Cuba Hotels
HAVANA TIMES – A travel agent put together an exhaustive report today on the situation of the hotel facilities on the Varadero peninsula. Here we publish our translation of his unofficial report that appeared in Spanish on Trip Advisor.
Detailed report of a travel agent at the scene
By Chillin 61 (Tuesday, September 12, 2017)
Hello everyone.
I am going to share information about CUBA:
Here is the status of Cuba’s Varadero destination after Hurricane Irma.

Varadero has succumbed to Irma in an unimaginable way. The hurricane was not expected to have serious consequences at this destination however the devastation caused by Irma can be compared to the destruction caused by Hurricane “Ike” that devastated the area of Holguin several years ago.
The roads from the Varadero Airport to the Hotel area are almost completely blocked by debris, fallen trees and fallen electricity poles making the area practically inaccessible at the moment.
The road closest to the ocean is also blocked by rocks, sand, debris and trees. It is almost impossible to visualize the road and we can estimate that it will require several days of work to remove all the debris blocking these routes.
Varadero Airport is closed. Today we were unable to reach the airport since the road is totally blocked by debris and trees. An inspection visit will be attempted tomorrow to assess the damage, but according to information from authorities, the airport is not expected to resume operations tomorrow.
In the city of Varadero you can see structural damage in the residential areas and commercial centers. First Avenue as well as other main avenues also have debris, fallen trees, electric poles and downed cables. At the moment it is not considered safe to transit the area.
Havana Airport is also closed until further notice. [Later it reopened on Tuesday afternoon]
Below is a summary of the general situation of the Hotels in the Varadero area after the inspection visits made today by our colleagues at Destino.
· Access to some hotels is blocked by trees and debris.
· Recovery and cleanup work has begun in hotels but not yet on the roads and resort areas.
· Hotels do not have regular electricity. Most are running on backup generators.
· Telephone or Internet services are not available.
· Cell phones work in some areas however the signal works erratically.
· Recovery work has begun but the current priority of the authorities is to carry out a complete evaluation of the damage.
· Most customers are in their rooms and all people have been asked to stay away from beach areas and areas damaged by the hurricane.
· In most hotels, food is being taken to guests in their rooms. In other hotels it has been possible to open a restaurant where food service is being offered.
Summary of inspection visits made to hotels in the area
File Photo: Juan Suarez Blau Marina Varadero – The hotel had to evacuate its guests yesterday morning. The Hotel received serious damage due to its location which is very exposed as it is located right on the tip of the peninsula. The main building suffered serious damage (roof, glass doors, etc.). Structural damage could be noted in the room buildings. The beach eroded due to the waves.
- Melia Marina Varadero – Some rooms have broken windows and damage to the balconies but the biggest damage can be seen in the common areas of the hotel, especially in the lobby. The hotel is located on a hill so the protection against gusts of wind is minimal.
- Grand Memories Varadero – The hotel suffered some damage due to gusts of wind. The lobby will require restoration work and it is one of the hotels that suffered major damage to the roof and common areas such as gardens and pool areas. According to reports from the General Manager approximately 40 rooms were damaged and have broken windows. In general, there is no great structural damage and the damage is considered moderate. Access to the beach is virtually blocked.
- Memories Varadero – The hotel is generally in good condition. Some recovery work will be required in corridors, public areas and some rooms on high floors where roof leaks can only be repaired by replacing the roof in its entirety. The hotel has already re-opened the lobby bar without alcoholic beverages at the moment. Recovery work is being done quickly by the hotel staff to be able to re-establish regular services as soon as possible.
- Paradisus Varadero – The hotel suffered extensive damage. Ceilings were blown off in some structures in the Family Concierge areas and will require considerable investment to recover. The main building was equally devastated; the new restaurant that was under construction near the beach collapsed.
- Royalton Hicacos – This is another hotel that suffered major damage. The beach area eroded due to the waves. The restaurant on the beach also suffered extensive damage. The main buffet area is very exposed so it suffered serious damage especially to the roof. You could see a lot of rubble in the area. The Caribeño restaurant has broken windows. The Rooms area did not seem to have major damage.
- Iberostar Varadero – The Hotel was severely affected. Part of the palapa-like straw roofs disappeared. The theater is partially destroyed. The palapa roof in some rooms was equally destroyed. The palapas around the pool were destroyed and there is debris in the area.
- Be Live Turquesa – The hotel was evacuated so it was not possible to perform a complete inspection.
- Playa de Oro – You could see broken windows in several rooms. The pool area was quite affected and the lobby area also has noticeable damage. The disco area has some parts of the roof collapsed. Landscaped areas have fallen trees. The restaurant is running and providing food service.
- ROC Arenas Doradas – The hotel seemed in good condition. Some air conditioners were ripped off the walls but light damage can be recovered relatively quickly.
- Meliá Las Antillas – The hotel is generally in good condition and without serious damage to its structures.
- Blau Varadero – The hotel has a very solid structure however being a tall building it always receives some damage when a hurricane hits the area. The lobby was in good condition however the rooms on higher floors may have suffered some damage.
- Starfish Varadero – The hotel was generally found in good condition. Lobby without noticeable damage.
- Brisas del Caribe – The rooms were badly damaged. During the inspection visit you could see several tourists waiting to be changed rooms due to leaks in broken ceilings and windows. The lobby also suffered some damage.
- Iberostar Laguna Azul – The hotel is located on a hill however it did not suffer serious damage considering its exposed location. Partial damage could be noticed on the roof of the restaurant in the beach area, some palapas destroyed.
- Starfish Cuatro Palmas – The hotel was evacuated. Some structural damage could be noticed, mainly in the ceilings of some buildings. It was not possible to make a full visit since no staff were found on the property.
In general terms that is what could be noticed in the visits made today. Tomorrow, inspections will be carried out to evaluate the extent of the damage. Today, the priority has been to be able to contact customers of Destino and make sure they are safe.
At the moment it is known that flights here for the following week have been canceled, which is considered natural due to the extent of damage in the area.
From what could be noticed today in the inspections it is estimated that the recovery time for hotels can vary from a few weeks to a few months for hotels that have been most affected. The current priority will be the restoration of electricity, water and telecommunications services.
The recovery in hotels will depend largely on the resources invested by the Cuban government, which will have much on the table due to the extensive damage suffered from Irma in the areas of Cayo Coco, Santa Clara, Camagüey and the provinces of Holguin and Matanzas. The structural damage and destruction of residential areas in the provinces of Matanzas, Villa Clara, Ciego de Avila and Camagüey is substantial.
Dear Ben,
Gosh your words are gracious, kind and honest. How are you all faring? Would it be ok to travel to Cienfuegos at Christmas time? Surely tourism would now help? or, perhaps not?
Thank you for a response and blessings to you.
Does anyone have any updates about the Hotel Playa de Oro resort and/or the Be Live Experience Turquesa resort in Varadero?
I have a fly tickets for November 22nd. Our is hotel located in Varadero. Should We go?
We left our Hats in Cuba
Havana, you beautiful place,
Locals dance romantically to the rhythm of salsa,
Chevy’s with their full bodies, shiny bumpers and colourful paintwork, express you through a city of wonder,
Hemmingway’s footprint whispers in your ear as you wonder and gaze at its beauty,
What a place! Majestic and yet humble in its environment and people.
But hey, we left our hats in Cuba
The Vinalles Valley, with its tobacco and coffee plantations rolling below the mountains like a thick green carpet filled with aromas which fill you with pure delight,
Locals welcome you from colourful houses, porches dressed with rocking chairs and selling their art and music,
Hospitality in abundance, what utter joy,
But hey, we left our hats in Cuba
Caya Levisa, with its barrier reef snorkelling amongst a rainbow of fish,
The Caribbean sea, a sapphire jewel, outstretched before us as we plunged into paradise, what beauty, what pleasure,
But hey, we left our hats in Cuba
Varadero, the peninsula of white sands of beauty, how lovely you are,
Threatened by Irma, no escape from harm and destruction for all who lay in her path,
Scary was Irma and yes life threatening, but love and prayer from loved ones helped us through,
And yes , Irma is why we left our hats in Cuba
Cuba you beautiful wonderful place, full of humility and beauty, we love you,
But hey, in truth we left our hearts in Cuba
Hello. Would anyone have any news about Be Live Experience Varadero ( Villa Cuba) We have been going there for 7 Yrs and have not heard anything since Irma hit Cuba?
Looks like they got this Airport back into shape in record time. http://www.cmhw.cu/en/villa-clara/9234-abel-santamaria-international-airport-resumes-operations
Hi we are traveling on 13th October to ibero star varadero to a wedding is this hotel ok to go to
my friend got back a week ago and its horrendous if you can get your money back get it – dont go – hotels are all damaged in some way – and you wont get your great service (forget internet and TV) see if you can go in jan instead
does anyone have any info about the Melia varadero hotel after Irma we are heading there Oct. 9th and info of golf coarse. thank you
We fly to Varadero Oct 19th…I think it is too soon….your opinions please.
I am sorry, but I think I can differ between the two. I have always been one to do my homework, well before I reach my destination and you are 50km off in your measurement BTW. But I would only speak of what I know personally from my own experience. Which is why I have only talked of Havana. I am also aware of how eight died, not needing you to tell me. One also died of electrocution and their spouse suffered serious burns trying to save him while fixing their antenna. But pretty sure you already know that too. I prefer to deal in facts as well. I also never denied the fact that the city is crumbling from ill repair, instead pointing to the fact that there are signs that they are trying to do some proper restoration. So the fact still remains about your name and it’s relationship of author. Would you be one in the same or would you prefer not to comment on that?
Hi we are. Due to Los palmeros. On 29 September. What’s. The. Status. Many thanks
good luck! please update us when you get home, we go Oct. 2nd thanks!
I am not trying to defend Sun Wing Bud, but surely the customers of whom you speak were as aware of the approach of Irma as Sun Wing? Maybe they ought to have practiced good common sense and forgone their trip – or were they only looking at getting their monies worth? The devil Bud, has disciples!
Learn to differ ‘therealsnowman’ between Havana as the capital and Cuba which is 1300 km long. You will have noted that the eight people who died in Havana did so as a consequence of the crumbling buildings so well described by Moses Patterson. My comments were factual. Watch and learn!
Supposed to be going to Barcelo Arenas Blancas in Varadero on the 28th of Sept. anyone have info on its condition???
can we leave on sept 26 to make trip to varadero, Havana ,Cienfuegos , Trinidad,Topes de Collantes , Sancti spiritus , sancta clara , Varadero ?
We are leaving 26 sept to varadero to make a trip , havana ,cienfuegos , trinidad , topes de collantes, sancti spiritus , sancta clara , varadero , what should we do ?
Sun wing are the devil! They allowed people to travel to Cuba the day Irma arrived AND didn’t even question travelers….”um you know there is a hurricane, maybe you shouldn’t go” Never said. ONLY looking at their bottom $$$, not the safety of their customers.
how is barcelo solymar resort we are booked in december?
We have a cruise scheduled for Cuba, Oct 2nd 2017. I have been checking the internet for information about cancellations but I haven’t found much. Should I continue to plan for the cruise, or should I make other plans?
Roc Barlevento posted pictures there today all looks go and cleaned up
Check their Facebook page
We are leaving Toronto on October 4th to go to the same place and travel agent said we are a go too
Hi am due to go to valadero on the 29th. Thomas Cook keep saying everything is fine …but am really worried that it’s not ,they won’t give refund
It wasn’t pleasant before the hurricane
What about the first week in October. I’m schedule on a carnival cruise to Havana 10/5-10/9?
Any information on Cayo Coco ?
We’re booked (2 couples) to leave Toronto morning Sept. 26th via Sunwing for a week at Memories-Jibacoa. Travel agent says we’re a go. Any caveats/ anyone
Ben, Guardalvaca is OK, “Irma” went away for a bit avoiding us and the damage was not that bad.
I don’t know the place you mention but flew back to London from Holguin last Tuesday 13th September. The strongest part of “Irma” missed us on that side.
Maybe you could go to Guardalavaca resorts? I have just comeback from the Brisas having lived through “Irma”. Although the beach moved inland a bit it was almost reconstructed by the day I left; Tuesday 13th of September. There’s also damage to coral reefs and the wind was ferocious but nowhere near as bad a Varadero. We had electricity at the Hotel and were only without water for 1 day, last Sunday.
Hi Char, I am booked to go there on the 6th. Can you let me know if you hear anything. It does not sound too promising. My heart goes out to all!
Thanks for the heads up.
Ben, any help you can provide our readers is very welcome. Many are asking about specific hotels and others about the situation in general.
Everyone is trying to get things back to normal, which will take some time. I cannot tell you how the Atlanits is because i am not familiar with that hotel but i can tell you that Havana got hit hard by Irma. The initial storm is not the biggest problem in Havana, its the aftermath and that really hasnt hit very hard yet. Aftermath meaning food and fresh water shortages along with looting and theft which i am sure will be coming as time goes on. Cuba is a poor country and this kind of devastation will take a long time to recover.
I work out of Varadero and travel between here and Havana ever other day. Its not a pretty sight here.
They have a Facebook page you can join for updates from others Hotel Kawama(Cuba) hope this helps
Due to stay at Blau Varadero from 8th December 2017 – does anyone know how the hotel has fared?
We are booked with thomas cook to go to Cayo Guillermo on 29th nov, but they’ve just released yesterday that anybody upto and including 30th can cancel or amend. Absolutely gutted, hope they get sorted soon.
Anyone have any information about Cayo Coco ? Are they working on repairing the causeway as a first step because that is the fresh water supply system.
1-877-786-9464?is the number you call, I got the same answer as Bobbi yesterday. Did you get refund or credit?
In Havana we stayed in Nacional and in Varadero Sanctuary at Grand memories. Havana was very bad even before Irma so I it will take some time to get back to normal. I don’t want to go back there ever, and it is not because of hurricane.
Relief efforts starting in Cuba. Consider helping. I support this ministry but have nothing to do with them personally. Cubans helping now in Cuba.
Staying at the hotel tropical varendero in 4 weeks what’s the state of play there?
Not even the Government of Cuba could answer your question cydney. Tourism in Cuba is predominantly controlled by the military through GAESA. It will be the military who will be responsible for the clean-up, but with the best will in the world it will be many months, indeed years before Havana and Varadero return to “normal”.
I don’t doubt that you will be able to visit all four destinations you mention. Vinales will be least affected as it lies well to the west, and Trinidad being well along the south coast ought not to be too bad. There will by November have been a lot of clean-up in Varadero as a key tourist resort of high importance to the economy, but Havana with its crumbling buildings so accurately described by Moses Patterson in a contribution just prior to Irma, will still have many problems although the hotels ought to be in some semblance of order.
One cannot say that this all lies in the lap of the gods, but more in the priorities of the regime.
following. thanks.
Hi ya supposed to leave this Sunday.. To go to Havana.. Atlantis have u any idea how that area is ? Water etc
Hiya folks. This is yet another inquiry as to the state of things in Varadero. We are due to fly out to Havana in just over a weeks time, then travel to and stay at the Iberostar Bellavista hotel. We are not getting any joy as yet from our holiday travel agent, the only thing they are saying is that we have to wait. From what we can make out, its not just the possible damaged state of the hotel which is the only problem, but the surrounding areas along with amenities which we of course we are to visit & use throughout our stay in Varadero. If any information is available then it would be very much appreciated – thank you.
We know that having a holiday in Cuba is just a two week trip for us, and understand that there are many people who live out there have lost everything due to hurricane Irma, and it will take weeks, months, maybe even years for them to get back to some form of normality – our hearts go out to them all.
Phone them again, there is a travel advisory in effect for Canada, cancelled mine yesterday for a vacation at the end of October to Veradaro with Sunwing.
has a agent can you give us news on Cayo guillermo region please we know about cayo coco airport but not the hotels along the island cayo coco and cayo guillermo thank you
Does anyone have information on Club Kawama?
How are the hotels and the area of El Malecon, etc in Havana? Damages to hotels like Habana Riviera? Thanks
Does anyone know whether Havana/Varadero will be back to normal by November? We are due to fly out 12th Nov. Planning on Havana, Varadero, Vinales, Trinidad?
Hello, does anybody know the situation in the little village of Los Angeles, near the northern coastline in the province of Holguin near the place called Banes ? Anybody ?…..
Hello, can you tell us about the situation in the little village of Los Angeles, near the coast in the province of Holguin ? Thank you..
Pls read Facebook-Page of Paradisus Varadero: “Similarly, it was decided to temporarily close the hotel Paradisus
Varadero in order to carry out some renovation work and improvements
prior to the high season.” This is so sad, we stay there in June and it was a fantastic holiday. Hopefully the people will be well and Varadero can be well restored.
I am so sorry for all the problems and I feel bad about asking about problems. They seem so trivial to the problems that you are having. I am due to fly out of Vancouver on September 26 for two weeks and we are staying at Hotel Atlantico. Is there anything I should know before I leave. How is Havana?
Thanks for any information
George MacDougall
Hello I’m booked for October 4th to the gran caribe palma real, does anyone know if they were hit hard by irma? My first time traveling there…
I spoke with Sunwing this morning regarding a client booked to depart on the 3 October and their response was that they only have information and cancellation options for people departing up until the 17th of September but they would be further assessing and advising for future dates.
Any info coming out of Santa Clara, Remedios, Camajuani, Cayo Santa Maria or Caibarien?
I am just so sad for Cubans. Next time you go bring bed sheets, towels, hygeine products, over the counter medications including deet, kitchen ware and shoes. I can only pray for their health and some stability in their own lives while they work so hard to restore their bread and butter: tourism. Be kind and gentle. Their loss is so huge.
Has anyone heard anything yet about palma real i have a few friends that r workers and cant reach them 🙁
Does anyone know if memories Jacobia was effected?
Hello Ken. We too are booked at the same hotel from January 20th for two weeks. We emailed the hotel and had a reply from Yadiel González who said that by the time we go everything should be fine. If we cancel now we shall lose £500 on deposit fees through Tomsons so we’ve decided to keep a close watch on the situation until Tomsons can agree a refund if the situation doesn’t improve. It’s a tricky one that’s for sure. Poor Cuba!
Where in Cuba are you ?
you will have the opportunity to rebook by October 16th. your money is already put as a credit voucher. you have up to April 30th 2018 to complete your travel. they are not offering refunds. I am a travel agent in BC and that is from ACV to us in our office. I can’t imagine that any other office working with ACV would be given different information.
You guys think HAVANA AND VINALES will be fine by end of October? Thank you. Not perfect but at least restored for travel, restaurants etc..
I was at Playa de Oro in 2013 and will never come again. This is a real shit hole. And I am not picky or fastidious. I’ve been to several other hotels twice, like Melia las Americas, Laguna, Royalton , Princesa. Will try to come to Cuba again next year.
Do you have any comment on Barceló Solymar. We are going there Oct 19.
So sad! Playa De Oro-We ejoyed out stay and had a great time in 2015, didn’t get back last winter and was planning on going this winter. My heart goes out to the locals, they are such wonderful people.
Hi, I’m going to Starfish Cuatro Palmas on October 12 for 14 days. Will it be reopened and ok to welcome guests ?
We are supposed to be flying out to Veradero on Sept 24th, with Air Canada Vacations. I tried to get a hold of my travel agent whom I bought the tickets from and left a vm about options and how bad was it. I got an email back as opposed to calling and all it stated was there are no refunds. We are staying at Roc Barlevento, but when I go to Air Canada Vacations actual webpage it says flights flying out today till Sept 30 have been cancelled. So I don’t know what is going on… Its stressful because if I need to reschedule or get options because of what it says on the website I need to know NOW so I can let my work know.
Booked for Havana Parque Central for 19th and Iberostar Veradero on 26th.
Any updates?
I advise not to go
You shouldn’t go
I feel same about Grand memories where we stayed
Varadero was hit really bad, but it might be ok for January
My advice is don’t go, it is big mess
It is really bad, don’t go
Yes for sure
I don’t think so, it will take them some time to recover
So sad for all of the residents of Cuba: for their own losses and for the loss of income if the resorts are not up and running. We are looking for damage information on Sol Palmeras, Varadero.
somebody posted photos on the Ocean el Patricia facebook page. They were there when the storm hit. Damage looks pretty extensive
where were you staying? is havana back to normal?
I appreciate the credit, however I was not the author of the OP! I have tried to find the link to the original with no such luck!
HI! we are flying to Varadero tomorrow and we would like to know if the airport is open. How are the conditions right now?
No not Melia Marina Varadero. I’m asking about Melia Varadero which is right beside the Plaza Las Americas.
Dont come here!!.. Its a mess.. food and water shortages.. The beaches are a mess.. No power or water anywhere in the out lying areas. Fuel shortages so you wont find any excursions going on at all. No business or banks open because of no power or water. Decaying plants makes the smell bad especially in the flooded areas. This place is a mess and the more the tourists insist on coming here the worse it is for the the people here trying to stay positive. Imagine your self without power or fresh water for any length of time. Its been 6 days like that here for most of the people and there doesn’t seem to be any light at the end of this tunnel and it will get worse before it gets better. If you want a happy vacation, go somewhere else. This is the honest truth, i am living it right now.
Its a mess, go somewhere else.. you or anyone else that goes to cuba right now will not be happy.
Dont come here!!.. Its a mess.. food and water shortages.. The beaches are a mess.. No power or water anywhere in the out lying areas. Fuel shortages so you wont find any excursions going on at all. No business or banks open because of no power or water. Decaying plants makes the smell bad especially in the flooded areas. This place is a mess and the more the tourists insist on coming here the worse it is for the the people here trying to stay positive. Imagine your self without power or fresh water for any length of time. Its been 6 days like that here for most of the people and there doesn’t seem to be any light at the end of this tunnel. If you want a happy vacation, go somewhere else. This is the honest truth, i am living it right now.
I’m coming Nov 4th and would like to know about Ocean Varadero El Patriarca? Has anyone heard anything?
Heading to Los cactus on the 22nd maybe? Any info on it peeps?
I have a friend in Playa Pesquero at the moment and all is well and pretty much back to normal.
Looking for news on Melia Las Americas and Melia Varadero after Hurricaine Irma. Booked for Sept 28
Any information on Melia Varadero and Melia Las Americas hotels after Hurricaine Irma. Booked for Sept 28th.
How did the Ocean El Patriarca do?
I’m curious about ocean vista azul aswell. Suppose to go end of October. Anyone have more info about how it is doing after Irma
We’re booked for November 18th for belive terquesa.should we be concerned.
How does the iberostar belle vista, and sol palmeras look like
So very sad
Hi we are going to Paradisus Varadero on September 25 th
Can u tell
Me how is there?
Do u have any advice for me how can i get my money back? Where I should to call? My travel
Agant said that this place will
Be ready to go in Monday 19 th!!!
Pls let
Me know this is my email
[email protected]
Thank you!!!!!!!
I understand the Santa Clara airport will be closed until October 31st
Just wondering if anyone has any information on the Melia Varadero hotel or pictures since the hurricane. Thank you
I suggest you going to other parts of Cuba, like Cayo Largo, Manzanillo, Santiago de Cuba, maybe Holguin.
Went to Playa De Oro Hotel, Varadero in Nov. 2016, great beach, hotel 3 1/2 star, food soso, hotel and rooms old, other wise was fantastic for me, with Huricaine Irma dont think hotel very accessible. I Think you would also enjoy Puerto Plata, Punta Cana or Bayhaibe D.R.
I would wait closer to the date and then call we were going to Cayo Coco on the 15th and got fully refunded because it’s so bad there no airport anymore. So if your resort is functioning by then you won’t get a refund and it’s up to you if you want to cancel hope you have cancellation insurance
We were to go on the 15th my travel agent said to find so where other than Cuba it’s so destroyed.
I wonder if Roc Barlovento was damaged any? Going Feb/18,,Anyone with new news on this as I see just before Hurricane a video on U tube
How is roc arenas doradas resort…was planning on going there again in january 2018?
How did ocean vista azul make out didn’t see it listed ?
Hi..we booked to go to Melia Peninsula Varadero on Oct 2 … any information about this resort after Irma hurricane …and do we need to cancil the trip…
May I ask which travelling are you booked with? I have my Sunwing vacation to Varadero on Sep 21, called but said non refund
Hi we are travelling with tui to grand memories Cayo santa maria on 10th October, should I be hopeful or look for another destination. Thanks
Lily do you know if ocean varadero el Patricia was hit hard? My daughter is getting married there on Jan 8. Do you have any pictures of the shape varadero is in the information and photos are hard to find nobody is posting much for that area. Thank you!
Very minimal damage. Google roc barlovento hurricane Irma. They have posted on u tube video of inside resort. Most of whole beach in Varadero has extensive damage.
Melia Marina Varadero – Some rooms have broken windows and damage to the balconies but the biggest damage can be seen in the common areas of the hotel, especially in the lobby. The hotel is located on a hill so the protection against gusts of wind is minimal.
hello we are scheduled to go to Iberostar Varadero January 11 2018 do you think we should cancel
Please provide information on Ocean Varadero El Patricia, we have a trip booked for a special occasion in January. Thank you
me too we are scheduled to go there for oct 4th but dont know anything, aircanada has canceled all the flights till sept 30th but i dont think so that in 15 days they will be able to clean all the damage
Thank u for sharing this I am concern for our friends in veradero and a special friend on 43 also people in puntarena and status as that I am to arrive early oct..
What about Bellevue Puntarena / Playa Calleta? Are the staff safe and are they open? How much damage did they sustain?
Palma Real isn’t listed…. not surprised – maybe it was shut down for being such a dump
Don’t go. We just came back yesterday. It is really bad.
Previously known as MERCURE PLAYA DE ORO. I would not return to this resort even before this hurrican. Just saying….
Is there ways for people to help restore what we can help with?
how is the hotel barlovento any damages
going on vacation to Hotel Playa de Oro in Sept 25… should we be looking for another holiday destination?
Missing a few hotels how about Sol Sirenas Coral? Going on october 02 but have cancellation insurance. Don’t mind a few inconveniences as long as the roads are opened as i wish to bike around and to Matanzas from Varadero. Woundering if i should wait a bit?
If you used a travel agent,. ask them.
Thank you for the report since the information is hard to get for Cuba. We’re scheduled to go to Hotel Bella Costa on October 20th the hotel is ran by the Cuban gov. so funds are not easy to get. Any information for that hotel and the staff? A lots of cuban friends in trouble there and we feel so helpless!
It seems fairly evident that people who have booked to make visits to Cuba using travel agents, should check with those agents. There is the question of responsibility for payments already made. Those who booked directly, should check upon their reservations and check with their airline. The power outages are extensive and will take time to repair.
Do you know if the Los Cactus suffered any damage, any update on the resort would be helpful
I would like information on the Ocean El Patricia as well.
What about the Los Cactus does it have any damage?
This is so helpful. I am personally wondering about Be Live Varadero.
Do you mean January 10 or October 1?
In any case your question is impossible to answer when you give zero clue where you’re going in Varadero and even so there’s no one at this point who can possibly guess how fast Varadero will be restored.
Absolutely impossible to predict. Raul himself couldn’t give you an accurate estimate on what condition the resort might be in by December.
What about the Melia Varadero hotel? How did that make out?
Dear Alex, have you seen the photos of the destruction? It will take months just to clean up the streets in Havana, nevermind rebuilding. Sections of Cuba’s infrastructure have been devastated. Good luck!
Thanks for the update. The problem with hurricane damage is what often goes unseen by the naked eye. Structural damage caused by strong winds and seawater, left unrepaired, leaves a building vulnerable and weakened to far lesser inclement weather down the road. I hope that the Castros, in their effort to repair quickly, do not overlook structural problems that will come to haunt them later.
Please can anyone give me any information on the state of the Ocean Varadero El Patricia please? I cannot see it listed in the hotels above. Me and my family are due to stay in December however I understand that restoration work will take many weeks to complete.
Thanks to the author for their extensive work.
I have to go for varadero on 01/10. are you advised to postpone or change your destination?
an hotel Bellevue Palma real?