Havana Times 2019 Photo Contest Notice
Here’s How You Can Participate

HAVANA TIMES — Our 2019 Cuba Photo Contest is now officially open for sending in your entries.
The 2018 contest brought together entries from 109 amateur and professional photographers.
Now, we are happy to announce the 11th edition of the event.
This year there are four categories.
- Life in Cuba in 8-12 pictures. Please indicate the order which the photos should appear. Also send us a brief statement about your compilation of pictures. This category has a 1st prize of US $100, a 2nd prize of $75 and a Special Mention.
- The Tourist World in Cuba. For this category you can send from 1 to 3 entries. The winning photo will have a prize of $75 and there will be a Special Mention.
- Sculptures and Monuments in Cuba. For this category you can send from 1 to 3 entries. The winning photo will have a prize of $75 and there will be a Special Mention
- Special Category for Nicaragua and Venezuela: Pictures of Struggle, Resistance and Repression. For this category you can send from 1 to 3 entries from either of the two countries. This category will have a first prize of $75, a second prize of $50 and a Special Mention.
All semifinalist and finalist photos will be published and prominently displayed by Havana Times.
Contest rules
1.– Professional and amateur photographers of all ages and nationalities may participate.
2,-The photographs must be entered under the following categories:
a – Life in Cuba
b– The Tourist World in Cuba
c– Sculptures and Monuments in Cuba
d – Special Category for Nicaragua and Venezuela
3– Photos must be sent in attachments in jpg format with the longest edge no greater than 1080 pixels. They may be horizontal, vertical or square.
4-***The titles of the pictures should be the category with numbers starting with one (1). You can click properties on the file of your picture to type in the title. For example: Tourist World 1, Tourist World 2, and Tourist World 3. Nicaragua and Venezuela 1, Nicaragua and Venezuela 2, Nicaragua and Venezuela 3. Sculptures and Monuments 1, Sculptures and Monuments 2, Sculptures and Monuments 3. Life in Cuba 1, Life in Cuba 2, Life in Cuba 3, etc.
5- Sending your pictures: Photographs should be sent as attachments and not embedded in the e-mail message. To submit photos send them to: [email protected]
6- The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2019
7- During the selection process Havana Times will publish the semifinalists, finalists and winning images.
8- Participation in the contest implies acceptance by the author that the photos submitted will be included in the archives of HT and may be used in Havana Times and the social networks where HT is present (with due credit to the author).
9- Prizes: Delivering the award money will be coordinated with the winners via email.
10- Contest winners will be announced on or before December 15, 2019, through HT. This decision is final.
11- Participation in the competition implies acceptance of each and every one of the rules. HT is empowered to resolve any contingency not provided for in the Rules.
12- THE JURY will be composed of approx. 20 members, including photographers, writers, and Havana Times guest readers.
For any questions or for more information contact:[email protected]
See the winning photos from previous years:
2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
Nuvia, as it says on the Contest Notice with the instructions (Please read) you can send them to [email protected]
Where can i upload the pictures