Belarus Sees Nicaragua’s Ortega as a Loyal Ally

Denis Moncada and his Belarusian counterpart, Vladimir Makéi.

By 100% Noticias / EFE

HAVANA TIMES – Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Denis Moncada met today with his Belarusian counterpart, Vladimir Makéi, who highlighted the importance of loyalty between two partners who are subject to Western sanctions.

“We are two small countries, we do not have great geopolitical pretensions and ambitions, so it is very important to be mutually loyal, to be reliable partners for each other,” said Makéi, according to the official Belarusian agency BELTA.

The Belarusian Foreign Minister said Nicaragua is an important partner with a successful history of cooperation.

“Our interests totally coincide. We want our peoples to live in peace and harmony, so that our States live in peace and that no one interferes in our development in the way they want to,” said Makéi.

Moncada in turn conveyed to his Belarusian colleague a greeting from the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, and was sure that the visit to Belarus will mark intensification of relations between the two countries, according to BELTA.

Ortega’s FM said the meeting discussed further cooperation between the two countries in detail.

In addition, he noted that Managua supports Minsk’s efforts to resist “aggressive actions” by a number of countries.

The two foreign ministers meet Monday as the foreign ministers of the European Union (EU) address the anti-democratic drift in both Nicaragua and Belarus.

The EU foreign ministers meeting was scheduled as Spain asked it to address the reaction that the Twenty-seven member body would have to the Nicaraguan elections of November 7, in which the main rivals to President Daniel Ortega are imprisoned.

In addition, a signal from the EU is expected on the migration crisis at the EU’s borders with Belarus, a country they accuse of using undocumented immigration as a political weapon against the community.

Belarus President Alexandr Lukashenko today accused Poland and Lithuania of “carrying out special operations to create channels for sending (undocumented) immigrants from detention centers in their territories to Germany and France, massively and cynically violating human rights.”

According to BELTA, Lukashenko disclosed this information so that Germany, together with France and other countries “finally wake up and see what is happening to immigrants in Poland and Lithuania.”

He once again maintained that the West continues “to interfere in the domestic affairs of the country, seeking to change the Government and destroy the independence of our State.”

Read more news from Nicaragua here on Havana Times.