Biden Admin to Detain Thousands of Teenage Asylum Seekers in Dallas Convention Center

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – In immigration news, the Biden administration is planning to detain asylum-seeking teenagers at a convention center in Dallas, Texas. This is the latest facility opened by the Biden administration to hold unaccompanied children and teens. The youngsters are being apprehended in record numbers as they attempt to reach the U.S. seeking refuge.

The AP reports the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center will be used by FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, for up to 90 days to hold as many as 3,000 unaccompanied teens. In February alone, over 9,000 unaccompanied children and teens were apprehended by U.S. authorities.

Read more news here on Havna Times.

3 thoughts on “Biden Admin to Detain Thousands of Teenage Asylum Seekers in Dallas Convention Center

  • There is a saying “you reap what you sow”
    When the Obama/Biden administration backed the 2009 coup in Honduras and then worked with those involved the country digressed in to one of the most violent in the world, with an explosion in criminal gangs with impunity for law breakers being prevalent.
    Since then many thousands have had to flee Honduras in fear of their lives, causing a migrant crisis.
    In addition the murder of over 100 community activists.
    Let’s not deny the truth the Obama/Biden fingerprint is on the migrant crisis and more.

  • I’m a citizen of the USA. Let me explain how a capital economy works, in a simple story. I paid for a college education by participating in a work/school program in the mid 1970’s. The school operated a reforestation company, where students who couldn’t afford to pay for the schooling, could work and go to the school, without creating debt. We would work by planting trees in the logged forests of Oregon, for one month, and then attend the school for one month. So, in one year we would work for six months, and go to school for six months. I planted about 1,500 trees every day, and I was the most productive planted/worker on my team. The slowest worker planted about 150 trees every day. We received all living expenses, and school expense paid in full. The break-even cost was about 600 trees planted per day, so, the company was losing a lot of money on the low-producing workers. I asked the slowest-worker why he didn’t plant more trees? He said that he would receive the same benefits that I received, but without working so hard as me. It made me ask myself “why am I working so hard”? And that’s how socialism works. It takes away the motivation to “produce”, and creates shortages and poverty for all folks, except those few folks in “power” at the top!!

  • It was unfortunate that the Trump government caused a 4 year bottleneck of the migrants across Central America and Mexico. Now they are coming by the thousands and this is causing the new Biden team no end of concern , not just due to lack of appropriate facilities but with COVID raging still. It is just one more bit of damage done by the Trump team for the Biden team to clean up.. from declaring Cuba of all places a terrorist state, to pulling troops before plans are made, to alienating friendly countries … Trump was going to burn the “house” down before leaving. But Trump’s complete bumbling of the pandemic and policies has left a legacy forever stamped in the history books as the most ignorant cruel president ever.

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