“Blue Heart,” a new film project of the Cuban Miguel Coyula

HAVANA TIMES — The Cuban filmmaker Miguel Coyula has announced his new project “Blue Heart” through collective financing platform Yagruma reported Thursday Cubaencuentro. It’s a science fiction feature film written and directed by Coyula,

which tells the story of individuals genetically altered before birth with the aim of making authoritarian “Cuban socialism” in the paradigm to follow.

“Inheriting the worst of communism and capitalism, the country is now a corrupt dystopia crisis. The new generation of men has proved to be a group of outstanding individuals in many ways, with serious psychological disorders that makes them uncontrollable, “says the director in presenting the project.

Miguel Coyula is a graduate of International School of Film and Television of San Antonio de los Baños. His film “Memoirs of development,” which greatly impact the Cuban public, premiered at the Sundance Film Festival 2010, and has received 20 international awards.

A video of the first four minutes of the film is available here.