British Surveillance Co. Denies Bugging Ecuadorian Embassy

HAVANA TIMES — The UK based The Surveillance Group Ltd. denied accusations Thursday that it was involved in the placing of a microphone in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London as suggested by that country’s foreign minister, Ricardo Patiño on Wednesday.
The Surveillance Group issued this brief press statement on their website denying the accusation.
The Surveillance Group Limited
“We have this morning heard an accusation the source of which is apparently Ricardo Patino, the Ecuadorian Foreign Minister suggesting that we have bugged the Ecuadorian Embassy. This is completely untrue. The Surveillance Group do not and have never been engaged in any activities of this nature. We have not been contacted by any member of the Ecuadorian Government and our first notification about this incident was via the press this morning. This is a wholly untrue assertion.”
Timothy Young
The Surveillance Group Ltd.
Related post: Ecuador’s Embassy Bugging Points to Surveillance Group Limited
Assange is not wanted merely for questioning. He has been charged with rape in Sweden. There’s a warrant for his arrest and an extradition request so that he can stand trial in Stockholm.
Gosh, I’m sure the Cuban DGI would never bug an embassy in Havana! Does everybody remember how the Russians bugged the newly built US embassy in Moscow? Let’s not get too caught up in our moral outrage over what has been fairly standard practice around the world by many, many governments.
Perhaps we could make up a list of embassies that weren’t bugged. It would be a shorter list.
Who admits to leaving listening devices in foreign embassies anyway? Besides, I can’t imagine that one of the world’s best known “private” surveillance firms would be involved in bugging the an embassy that is giving safe haven to a man wanted for questioning. How ridiculous! (that’s called sarcasm).