Castro Says Gaddafi Can Defeat NATO

HAVANA TIMES, March 29 — Former Cuban President Fidel Castro believes that Muammar al-Gaddafi can defeat his NATO adversaries if he fights to the bitter end in his attempt to maintain power in Libya.

“If Gaddafi honors the traditions of his people and decides to fight to the last breath, as he has promised, together with the Libyans who are facing the worst bombing a country has ever suffered, NATO and its criminal projects will sink into the mire of shame,” said Castro in a commentary published Tuesday in the Cuban press.

While not totally backing Gaddafi in his fight against protesters, Fidel has presented Cuba’s position against foreign intervention in the Libyan conflict.

“Cuba stated its position regarding the internal situation in Libya at the meeting in Geneva. Without hesitating, Cuba defended the idea of a political solution to the conflict in Libya and was categorically opposed to any foreign military intervention,” wrote Fidel Castro.