Chavez Takes Treatment, Battles Rumors

HAVANA TIMES, April 23 — Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez came out of 10 days of seclusion on Monday for a press conference in Havana that refuted some media claims of his possible death.
The 57-year-old leader is undergoing his fifth round of radiotherapy this week and said he hopes to be back home in Caracas by Thursday April 26.
“I believe that we will have to become used to living with rumors in the coming days, because it is part of the laboratories of psychological warfare,” said Chavez.
He said he must watch his diet, rest up and receive his treatment, while adding that he “is also obligated to continue to carry out his functions as president,” noted Telesur TV.
“The [radiotherapy] treatments are hard and you’ve got to be up for it, with strength and faith, and a lot of rest,” noted Chavez.
Chavez has twice been operated on in Cuba to remove cancerous tumors, first in June 2011, and then in late February 2012. Soon after, he began the radiotherapy sessions at the same Havana hospital.