Chinese Foreign Minister Visits Cuba

HAVANA TIMES, July 30 — Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi is arriving this Friday to Cuba in reply to an official invitation.  During his stay he will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodriguez, according to official sources, reported IPS.  China is Cuba’s second leading trade partner after Venezuela.

One thought on “Chinese Foreign Minister Visits Cuba

  • Remember that China is essentially a capitalist country — superficial claims to its supposed continuing “socialist” nature being just that (the very concept of “market socialism” being a wholesale fraud). *Real* socialists relate to chinese *workers* — not to the well-paid anti-democratic officials who watch over them closely with an unaccountable police-state.

    That being said, trade is trade — and alternatives to having to deal with Western imperialism are not to be sneezed at right now. The thing is to not maintain illusions about the true nature of these commercial/strategic relations — and most definitely NOT to be hog-tied by them.

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