Cuba Reports that Evo Morales has Resigned in Bolivia
Vice president Alvaro Garcia Linera, also throws in the towel

HAVANA TIMES – Cuba’s official daily Granma reports this afternoon that Bolivian President Evo Morales announced his resignation on Sunday “after a violent wave perpetrated by opposition groups who refused to recognize the results of the October 20th elections.”
VP Alvaro Garcia Linera also said that he will resign from his position. Morales leaves a country with high rates of human development, notes Granma.
A preliminary OAS report citing numerous serious irregularities in the vote tabulation process after the October 20 elections had led Morales on Sunday morning to announce new general elections. Hours later he resigned as well.
Granma noted that shortly before Morales’ decision, the military high command of the Bolivian Armed Forces read a statement in which they called on the president to resign his position obtained at the polls in 2014. “In this way, a coup d’etat has taken place in Bolivia,” said the Cuban Communist Party official newspaper.
The call for President Evo Morales to resign was made known by the commander in chief of the Armed Forces, William Kaiman, according to a Telesur report.
The military suggested that Morales leave the Presidency, referring to the violent situation in the country, and the holding of new elections as recommended by the Organization of American States (OAS).
Morales had no choice. The head of the armed forces told him to resign. That’s the problem with strong man totalitarian regimes that remain in power because of military backing. Maduro is in the same boat. When the military pulls the plug on Maduro, he will resign as well. At least in Morales case, he will likely remain in Bolivia. Once Maduro loses the support of the military he had better be on the the first plane headed to Havana.
It’s curious how Evo Morales supported the mega frauds that reelected his buddies Maduro in Venezuela and Ortega in Nicaragua, but resigns as soon as his own fraud is revealed. Either way he did the right thing for Bolivia.
A least thus one has dignity