Flotilla Against Internet Censorship in Cuba

HAVANA TIMES — The Movimiento Democracia, which is made up of Cuban exiles who live in the United States, announced Tuesday that they will express their demands for free speech and a free flow of online information in Cuba by assembling a flotilla off the coast of Cuba on August 2nd.

According to EFE, previously the exiles launched fireworks from ships in a show that coincided with the celebration of carnival in Havana along the capital’s waterfront.

“We’re also asking countries with embassies and companies in Cuba to eliminate the codes to their wifi access on August 2 so that Cubans can connect on that day,” said Ramon Saul Sanchez, the president of the group.

In his statement, Sanchez also demanded “clarification as to what happened to the [fiber optic] cable from Venezuela.” That connection should have become operational this past summer, which would have significantly expanded connectivity on the island.