Inter-American HR Court Calls Nicaragua to a Hearing

Rosario Murillo and Daniel Ortega. Photo AP

Regime asked to report on their compliance with the court-ordered provisional measures for opposition leaders Juan Sebastian Chamorro, Felix Maradiaga, Jose Adan Aguerri and Violeta Granera.

From 100% Noticias

HAVANA TIMES – The Inter-American Court of Human Rights has summoned the Nicaraguan government to appear before it on Friday August 27th. On that date, the Court will hold a hearing on the government’s compliance with the provisional measures granted by the court for the protection of opposition leaders Juan Sebastian Chamorro, Felix Maradiaga, Violeta Granera and Jose Adan Aguerri. The hearing will take place at 8 am, Costa Rican time, and will be transmitted via the Inter-American Court’s social networks.

“Public hearing for the Supervision of Urgent Measures, in the case of Juan Sebastian Chamorro and others with respect to Nicaragua,” stated the Court notice. On August 17, the Court began hearings on several cases; these will extend through September 10, during the Court’s 143rd ordinary period of sessions.

Relatives of Chamorro and Maradiaga, as well as their lawyers, have denounced the Ortega regime’s lack of compliance with the Inter-American HR Court’s resolution ordering the liberation of those granted provisional measures. The Court gave the Nicaraguan government a July 8th deadline to comply, but it’s not currently known whether the Nicaraguan government’s legal team has responded to the international tribunal. The Inter-American Court of HR is one of the few international bodies where the government has appeared for hearings in the past.

“Unfortunately, if Nicaragua fails to comply with the Inter-American Court’s provisional human rights measures, there aren’t many ways to demand that compliance. It’s possible that the regime will provide a written response to the Court, but we don’t yet know,” stated Jared Genser, international attorney representing former presidential candidates Feliz Maradiaga and Juan Sebastian Chamorro.

Last July 9, the wives of Chamorro and Maradiaga once again demanded living proof of their husbands whereabouts and state of health.

“We want proof that they’re alive,” Victoria Cardenas, Chamorro’s wife, demanded. Similarly, Bertha Valle, Maradiaga’s wife, stated: “with no legal basis for their detention, and considering they’re off the books and missing, they’re exposed to cruel, degrading and inhumane treatment which, if it persists over time, constitutes a form of torture under international law.

Read more from Nicaragua here on Havana Times.