New Cuban ‘Think Tank’ to Study Social Reality & Future Prospects

Dmitri Prieto

HAVANA TIMES — The Cuban Roman-Catholic magazine Espacio Laical, in one of its recent online supplement, announced the establishment of the “Laboratorio Casa Cuba” think tank.

The new Cuban academic institution will be devoted to “social and legal research” with “special emphasis” on the “necessary updating of the nation’s socio-political management systems”

The non-denominational think tank brings together specialists in law, history, social communication and anthropology — of different ideological affiliations — as well as publications from various publishing houses on the island (including Espacio Laical itself).

The mission of this effort is to achieve “a better understanding of national realities and future prospects” for the sake of “dialogue between Cubans…solidarity and citizens’ empowerment.”

The first action of Casa Cuba will be offering the course “The Cuban Constitution: Past, Present and Future,” to be taught by university professors in July. These classes are designed to include “detailed criticism of constitutional regulation” and “possible paths” of Cuban constitutionalism, approaches, plans, projects and models at stake.”