North Korean Ship that Transported Cuban Weapons Free to Leave Panama

The Chong Chon Gang is now free to leave Panama.

HAVANA TIMES — The Chong Chon Gang, a North Korean freighter that attempted to transport hidden Cuban weapons in a shipment of sugar, has been given the OK to leave Panama after being detained for seven months.

The Panamá Canal Authority informed of the decision on Saturday after the North Korean government paid a US $700,000 fine for the violation reported BBC Mundo.

Thirty-two of the thirty-five were freed at the end of January, however the captain and two other officers must remain to face charges of arms trafficking and endangering Panamanian lives with their clandestine shipment.

The Public Ministry of Panama announced plans last week to auction off the ten thousand tons of Cuban sugar that had acted as a cover for the buried weapons.

The fate of the Cuban weapons (including missiles platforms, two Mig-21 Bis, new aircraft engines and other aircraft supplies) has yet to be determined by the National Security Council of Panama.

A team of UN experts inspected the weapons and ruled in a preliminary report that the North Korean ship violated the UN resolutions that prevent Pyongyang from importing or exporting weapons.

4 thoughts on “North Korean Ship that Transported Cuban Weapons Free to Leave Panama

  • My main concern is for the safety of the crew. How many of the North Korean sailors having (been forced to) return (ed) to the North Korean People’s Monarchy will still be alive in a year’s time?

    Btw, has the Cuban press mentioned anything anything about Jon Yong-jin, the North Korean ambassador to Cuba having been executed after being recalled home? I guess not.

  • Unfortunately this whole drama, will in my opinion, end…”not with a bang but with a whimper”…To coin a phrase from TS Elliot

  • Why? The UN is a corrupt highly politicized institution without an ounce of integrity anyway.

  • The final shoe to drop is what to do with Cuba? Violating a UN sanction must come with a penalty or why bother voting the sanction?

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