Office Reopens to Close Guantanamo Prison

HAVANA TIMES – US President Barack Obama chose a Washington lawyer as special envoy of the Department of State for the closure of the prison located on occupied Cuban territory at Guantanamo Bay.

According to information released today by the Nuevo Herald, Clifford Sloan is the official who will re-open the office, which had ceased operations last January, when confronted with obstacles in Congress regarding this matter.

Sloan has worked in senior government positions in both Democratic and Republican administrations, and in recent years has been an informal adviser to Secretary of State John Kerry, who recommended him for the position.

More than 100 of the 166 prisoners in the prison in eastern Cuba are on a hunger strike in protest of their living conditions and indefinite confinement.  President Obama would like to move at least 86 detainees to their countries of origin.